
I don’t know about your’s, but the model that I have you can literally hit it on the top (no buttons there) to snooze. Also, rocking it back and forth enough to jar it a little bit causes it to snooze as well. I believe it has a sensor for that.

I don’t know about your’s, but the model that I have you can literally hit it on the top (no buttons there) to

There’s an envelope in the room with the air filter addressed from Tagruato as well. But none of those things mean anything, the Tagruato logo was present in Star Trek, Slusho has been in everything Abrams has done, etc.

I think this might be why Captain America 2 was so good. It was a smaller, more intimate story. Yes, the world was still being threatened, but in a very different way that really tested the heroes.

I think some of it is due to Marvel’s juggernauts. The Russo brothers blew everyone away with Captain America 2 and they basically got their start directing Community.

That’s all true for Uber. If you WANT to leave a tip and don’t want to carry cash, use Lyft. There’s an option after the ride to tip through the app and it works well. That being said, Uber drivers don’t expect a tip but it is always appreciated. Source: I drive for both.

I always felt like Voyager was their attempt at recreating the magic that was the original series. They wanted to really be exploring without the overhead of the federation or long standing political nonsense that DS9 and TNG had. Janeway is one of my primary examples of this as she is a very hands on captain that

I’m a little disappointed that one of TV’s saddest deaths wasn’t mentioned anywhere here, Janet Fraiser. Her death really showed how awful war can be for the people who are fighting it, but also show the bravery and selflessness of some of those who take part in it. This was one of the first episodes that really

This article summarized my biggest issue with with Doctor Who as a refuses to follow its own rules and tosses them out the window at every turn along with some pretty spectacular hand waving, deus ex machina, and loads of other lazy writing devices. Without having a full understanding of the show (have

The audience is growing up with this pre-teen child who went through puberty and is starting to discover himself in the same way that most boys at that age do. It’s natural for him to develop and explore feelings with the female characters around him. They don’t force any relationships early though they do allude to

It’s definitely possible that the show isn’t for you, but I’d be hard pressed to believe that anyone is too old for this show. The show really does have something for everyone but it’s possible that some aspect of the show might not appeal to you. Perhaps the humor is too quirky or some of the themes might be too

*SPOILERS* I gained a ton of respect for Ice King after the episode “Finn the Human.” They don’t really allude to it directly but the amount of self control that Ice King must exhibit while wearing the crown is immense. He’s able to keep his cool (lulz) and really just be an annoying in the the neck as opposed to Finn

The relationships are genuine and develop over time. None of them feel forced and they are rife with real world issues that aren’t necessarily tropes or cliche. That being said, they are definitely handled with an air of silliness and fun despite how heavy they might be under that veneer.

They are multiple comics, graphic novels, and mangas of Adventure Time available. I know that none of them are novels but it’s close.

I dunno, I really dig the predictability of Regular Show. . .the anticipation leading up to the balls-to-the-walls-jump-the-shark-all-aboard-the-train-to-crazy-town moment that happens in every episode.

Bit surprised no one commented on this, but Paul Blackthorne is on Arrow as a regular, not The Flash (though he does make an appearance).

Because Weyland was dying and this was his last hope.

This is what Ronald Moore wanted but those shots between scenes of the ship flying from one side of the screen to the other were apparently too expensive to “reshoot” everytime they needed to change the ship and the network wouldn’t let him do it.

Pretty sure that they agreed that Diggle would still work for Team Arrow. He says he's going to quite, she says "No don't" then they show him having a drink with Ollie and not a mention of him quitting.

I clearly fail at quoting, lol. Sorry for the bad formatting.