
I think you missed the point. He wasn't using CS Lewis' quote to illustrate, specifically, why using profanity in an article is acceptable. He was using the quote to explain why claiming that it is childish is silly.

I feel like your initial concerns have been satisfied but I did want to throw in my two cents here.

I agree when it comes to D9 and Elysium but we can't pretend there's anything original about Chappie. It really is just a mashup of Short Circuit and Robocop. He should have just gone in and made a real reboot of Short Circuit (not that I want more reboots...but it would be better than claiming there's anything

It's likely that he simply doesn't have the damage output and clear times to be an effective jungler.

Worst fake Scottish accent? You've missed out on Kathy Bates on AHS: FS then, huh?

Nerf Irelia! No seriously...surprised she isn't on this list.

I'm disappointed that there's no mention of the Great Emu War, even as a runner up:

As much as I want to like this show, you don't get to cram as much stuff into a single season of television as they are trying to unless you are American Horror Story, and even then, it wasn't until they got to their second season that they went off the rails with the number of themes present.

Ignoring the cylon plan bit (not sure the writers knew what was going on for a while there), but saying that the humans had no likable characters is a bit of a stretch. Adama, Roslin, Starbuck (before she kinda goes off the deep end), Gaeta (who's betrayal near the end is made even more heartbreaking given how much I

I couldn't agree more, BSG in its first few seasons was amazing. Yes, there were some crappy episodes, but the overall quality was incredibly high. Also, and this is so often overlooked now that the show has been off the air for a while, but the gravitas held by Roslin and Adama (SERIOUS kudos to Mary McDonnell and

To further your notion, quoting from another one of my posts:

I agree with artiofab here. Star Wars is a fantasy in a sci-fi settings. It has a young and reluctant hero. A wizened mentor who unlocks his full potential. It features a plucky group of heroes who are fighting against a growing evil army and they undertake a quest to destroy the source of the enemy's power by

I believe Janeway is missing because she was assimilated and became the borg queen and then some other stuff happened...

I've actually never been a big fan of the guys, though I really like and support what they do (PAX, Child's Play, etc).

In gaming culture, using v instead of vs is pretty common. "It was a 2v2 fight."

Ah. That makes a LOT more sense. heh Even though I disagree. I thought the Freaky Friday episode was one of the best of the series (not surprising considering that it was written by Jim Rash). And while Season 5 was definitely a slow burner, I think that taken as a whole, I enjoyed it quite a bit.

A while? The time it's been "canceled" hasn't even been a full break between seasons yet.

Read the card again, you can only do it once per turn.

That works in the example I provided. But sometimes you need more than a single burn spell. I'm not saying that this card is the nuts or anything, just that it has a place in a specific type of deck in a specific format. In general, you're right, but sometimes there's also simply a dearth of good burn spells, for

Yeah, it's also worth noting that you get 5 cards per turn (effectively) with this card. You get your draw step, 2 cards on your turn, and 2 cards on your opponent's turn. THat's pretty huge.