
Truth! Also, I was in the third one! (shameless self plug)

I'm sorry, but I cannot take Steven Moffat seriously when he talks about rules in science fiction. I'd be hard pressed to come up with a show that throws its own rules out the window as frequently and with as much disregard as Dr Who does. The show is full of inconsistencies, deus ex machina, and retcons. Rules?

The PS3 went through UI improvements? Yeah, there were a few minor changes here and there, but the overall look, feel, and functionality of the XMB never changed from what I remember.

Noted. ;)

Erm, no. Sony isn't the only manufacturer of bluray drives. They were part of the Bluray association that developed the format and they do indeed manufacture drives, but so do dozens of other companies including some of Sony's biggest competitors (Samsung, Toshiba, etc)

You should note that they also mention that the PS4 is indeed downloading and installing the patch as well, it's just doing it in the background. It's not a bullshit comparison. It's still an apples to apples comparison of how long it takes from the moment you put the disc in until you can start playing the game.

I want to say a few things about the format that wasn't really touched on in the article but is still relevant nonetheless.

I think Rob has missed the point here. I don't think it's that we CAN'T grow realistic skin on the bots, it's that it's illegal (which is what is said in the show). This is likely to prevent misuse of DNA for crimes (using a bot to commit a crime that leaves traces of someone else's skin/DNA all over the crime

It's highly unlikely that James Cromwell would come back. He said that after committing to the show, he read the scripts and asked himself, "What have I gotten in to?" I'm not 100% certain that he enjoyed being part of the show. . .but who knows?

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Well, it's reasonable to assume that Lily can either resurrect herself or will come back through other means and then will be able to resurrect Evan.

Speaking of fixes on floppy disks, I remember having to call Westwood Studios because of a bug in Lands of Lore that was preventing me from progressing through the game. They let me know that it was a known issue and that they had a patch for it! He then asked me for my mailing address and sent me the an

Oh come on. Sony never confirmed whether it would work or not. They've finally come out with information on it. There was no flip flopping here.

Definitely! If they do it right you could either watch the 4th Season or skip it all together and it would flow just fine.

hah! I just posted this (but it was Jeff's dream)! I've been saying this ever since it was announced that Dan Harmon was coming back as showrunner.

I'd love to see the first episode of the new season of Community start with Jeff Winger waking up and the entire last season having been a dream and picking up where the 3rd season left off.

I have only just begun reading it, but in concept, this sounds a bit like House of Leaves.

I think that if you give it a chance, you'll find that Richard Dean Anderson makes a much better Colonel O'Neill than Kurt Russell did. Also, Michael Shanks as Daniel Jackson was what really made the show shine. It takes a bit of an investment to get a lot out of the show...similar to a show like Supernatural, it's

10 seasons of SG-1 actually. ;)

About the races of Star Trek being able to interbreed, that was explained, to some degree. Most of the sentient life was seeded by an ancient race using a DNA code that would direct evolution. It's not that big of a stretch to think that they would be able to produce offspring together: