
I was very shocked and touched by this episode. I loved the character and was VERY sad to see her go. I was actually very close to posting this myself. I really appreciated the thought that went into the episode and her death though. It was very impactful.

As a card shop owner and player of Magic, I believe you'd be surprised at just how popular Magic is as a whole. Nearly every set they release has sold better than the set before it. The player base is growing by leaps and bounds, they continually break attendance records at events nationwide, etc.

I'm surprised to hear you say that it didn't last. Magic the Gathering continues to grow year over year and has a HUGE player base. As a matter of fact, MtG broke the record for the largest non-poker card game tournament in history just this last June at Grand Prix Las Vegas.

I've always thought that Chang was a better character when he had some sort of power (either as a teacher or security guard). He tends to take a backseat otherwise and that's not where he belongs.

It'll always be PS3 exclusive. It's made by one of their first party studios, Naughty Dog.

What's holding you back specifically?

Many die hard gamers have multiple consoles and a gaming rig. But that doesn't account for the majority of gamers. A console offers a gaming device at under $500 that will stay current for at least 6 years roughly, if not longer. A gaming PC will cost far more than that and will likely require an upgrade or two in

In addition to what Chambertlo said, the makers of Cabin in the Woods have said that Evil Dead is in the very DNA of Cabin in the Woods and that CitW wouldn't have existed without ED. So...yeah.

Curious if the light on the top is used for Move interaction.

No problem, sorry for the short (in tone) response. Lot of similar questions and comments to wade through.

Because Jonathan Coulton is a pretty big name in the gaming community, also very well liked and respected. What's happening here impacts him which could impact his involvement with gaming going forward.

You should do some research before spouting off nonsense. Coulton did in fact pay Sir Mix-A-Lot for use of his lyrics and credited him appropriately.

It's easy to make that comparison, but it's not a good one. Coulton ONLY used the lyrics. The melodies, arrangement, and instrumentation were all written by him. Those are all his works, even if they aren't copyrighted in a way that protects him, he still composed it and it's in extremely poor taste to exploit laws

I know it's been a while...but repost?

When do we find out who won?

Looks like it's time to dust off my twitter account.

The difference being that the apocalypse in that movie and even the gods were all huge metaphors. The movie wasn't actually about a cabin in the woods or the end of the world. The movie was about the state of modern horror it would barely count...if at all.

It could very well have to do with the departure of Infinity Ward's core cast of talent. MW2 scored better scores than 3 and BlOps2.

Sheer speculation here, but they mention a "void" and show a downed vessel. It's likely that the void is an area where something prevents technology from working and therefore, they cannot explore it aside from sending someone on foot. As to why he went's tough to say and probably my biggest question