
The author *almost* touches on my theory of this, specifically that the engineers had seeded multiple planets either one or more of them came back and sought to kill the engineers forcing them to decide to wipe out all of their creations. This fits into the theme of the movie that parents hate their children and

I won't comment on everything you've said, but I will say that David's motivation to dose Holloway can be pieced together. You see David talking to Weyland (before we know it's him) and we find out that he's been told to "try harder". This is before David has stumbled on a living specimen of the engineers, so he

They actually show her incision multiple times after it's stapled back together and it is either healing at an accelerated rate or has been cauterized/laser sealed, so it's not beyond the realm of imagination to think that while she's still in pain, the wound is mostly healed already.

Now playing

It's as if they are flailing at each other, but the article seems to point to this being an accurate representation of sword fighting.

There's a reason that SETI stands for "Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence" and not life.

You're right about Star Wars being fantasy and not sci-fi. Just like Alien was a horror movie in a sci-fi setting, Star Wars is a fantasy movie in a sci-fi setting. There's a reluctant hero that has to go on a transformational quest, sword fighting, magic, etc etc etc. It's basically Lord of the Rings in space.

You've never played an MMO and never will...yet you seem to know exactly how they play?

I actually kind of disagree with this...but only for Alien. Aliens/Alien 3/Alien Resurrection probably fall into sci-fi thriller. But Alien is a horror movie in a sci-fi setting similar to how Star Wars is a fantasy movie in a sci-fi setting. It has all of the trappings and tropes of a horror movie, just happens to

Low ammo and surviving encounters doesn't constitute horror, that's the "survival" part of the genre "survival horror". The horror is atmosphere, tension building, and pay off. The first game had this in spades with amazing sound engineering and design and genuinely creepy moments foreshadowed by clever lighting and

I'm curious then, what do you define as horror?

The show definitely isn't for everyone. It seems to appeal to people who either grew up in the 90's or have a certain nostalgia for it. It's not really a geek centric show as it focuses more on pop culture but not current pop culture, it always seems to be a few years to a decade behind (hence the 90's nostalgia).

Yeah, I'm genuinely curious as to what pushes you away from this show? Not specifically about this article (though that would be interesting to know as well) but in general. . .

There are a lot of things that would effect electronics but not biological electrical impulses. Satellites sent as a precursor to an alien invasion that emit EMP pulses that prevent electronics from working comes to mind.

I, for one, look forward to a darker, grittier retelling of Snow White.

I was talking to my friend about this. I said that she must have been single with no family. She asked about insurance for her "next of kin" not her child. . .though it's possible that she didn't want them to know she was a mother so they wouldn't reject her offer.

Looks like you missed the part where when she dropped her gun, the guards dropped their guns as well and she realized that she was under enough stress that her Cortexiphan super powers were in effect so she could use them to help Peter without having to fire her gun and risk killing the person she loves.

So...what I'm getting from this is that ants are amazing at bioengineering.

The Stupidest Angel - A Heartwarming Tale of Christmas Terror by Christopher Moore. :) Check it out.

My understanding was that they had planned this show from the beginning to have new characters, locations, and stories each season. As someone else mentioned, it's much closer to how British TV works. They can wrap up an entire story and then move on to something new without dragging out stories and characters well

It was on its deathbed because Fox continually changed its time slot despite it being a serial show that was not very friendly for viewers to jump into during the middle of the series.