
There's no assuming. It just is.

@PotentChr0nic: Honeycomb is a tablet only OS for the time being. While they've hinted at porting it or at least parts of it to phones in the future, for the time being it won't find it's way on to non-tablet devices.

@Link2187: There was an article on Gizmodo not that long ago talking about how the right amount of ice actually makes drinks taste better.

@darklybishop: They have a mode called "Lights out" where any UI elements not inherent to the application you're interacting with (YouTube videos, games, etc) is minimized.

It's the precursor to the triffids.

There's one thing that will get me to jump on the PSP2 bandwagon. . .trophies.

@ZombieHipHop: Do you not know what autism can do to a child? From the wikipedia article, very first line:

@Foxstar is in love with Kotaku's two Brians.: There are varying degrees of autism and it is often misdiagnosed. My roommate's little brother is autistic and you probably wouldn't know it from spending time with him. But there are people with autism so severe that they simply cannot communicate or know how to

@ZombieHipHop: 1500 points and 1500 achievements are two very different things.

@Almightywhacko: Motorola has pretty much come out and said that they won't be modifying the UI of Honeycomb.

@blyan is not on fire: During an interview with Engadget, Mattias Duarte, stated that 3.0 can and probably will be ported to the phone, but they started it off on the tablet.

@John_Hazard: Community (much like other greats in the past like Arrested Development) doesn't follow the traditional 'sitcom' formula. There's no laughtrack or live audience, it doesn't feel like it's filmed on a traditional set, and there's strong continuity between episodes, often with multi-episode arcs. That's

@Edix: Really depends on the rest of your diet. . .but in the end it's the glut that holds the soy, wheat, and meat together that's bad.

@The5thElephant: I'm not sure what device you've been scrolling around on, but my Nexus One (with arguably pedestrian specs nowadays) handles web page scrolling like a champ.

@Octopain: I'm definitely suggesting that you said this, but I get sick of the arguments against achievements where they say that the achievements suck (collectibles, multiplayer achivements, etc).

@Mokon: "I am playing games like SMG2 and DKCR in depth because they are fun. I want to unlock the "hidden temples" in DKCR because it's fun and a good challenge, not because I get 25 GP for doing it. It is, in the end, a better motivation."

@Zuldim: "But a zoo or an isolated breeding ground for an animal, even a magnificent one, won't leave a huge impression on our culture. It's not like mammoths could ever roam around free." <—From the article