
@XeO3: The nav controller isn't necessary for any current games and a SIXAXIS controller will work in it's place, so it's not a necessity. As I posted above you can get a PS Eye, Move Controller, and Sports Champions for $99.00.

@X-07: The $99.00 package comes with the move remote, sports champions and the PS eye.

@Nevest: Few hundred dollars? Last I checked it was $99 to get into Move if you had a PS3. Now, if you need a PS3 also, then yes it's a few hundred dollars, but that money isn't just going toward PS Move, you get the full PS3 experience with it.

@Mister Jack: It makes a certain amount of sense. The thing he destroys is like a combination of a Mii and an avatar from XBL. The ad shows the character using the Move to destroy said thing. Therefore, it's not too much of a stretch to infer that they are stating that the PS Move will destroy the Wii and Kinect.

The rational side of my mind says "Wait until there are more games!", the "Oooh shiny!" side of my brains says "PLAYSTATION MOVE NOW!!!!"

Just further proof that Kotick is a cut throat business leader and not someone who gives one lick about the gaming industry. They had their fair share of ups and downs, but perhaps Kotick could learn a thing or two from John Riccitiello.

@Eviltim: Apparently there was still hardware involved. Even though the Emotion chip was removed, the graphics processor was still on board.

@slider78: Not really going to argue with you here. I actually own GOW 1 & 2 for the PS2 and the GOW I don't see eye to eye with those that think it's a waste to buy them twice...but I know those people exist. :)

@Eviltim: Eh...I don't think that's the case. They did it because people kept calling them out for the price, so they started cutting out components they made the most sense and reduced the cost of the PS3. Backward compatibility was one of the first and one that made the most sense.

@grooveraider: Are there actually any games that aren't compatible on the 60GB PS3? I've heard they exist but have never come across one.

@slider78: A lot of players simply don't want to buy a game they already own twice.

@Arken: Yeah, I realize that. Just making a casual, yet admittedly silly, observation.

Looks like a large plecostomus.

@ddhboy: Yeah, know about the G2, but not really interested. It's a nice looking phone, but I'm not a fan of the form factor of slide out keyboard phones. Also, the reduction in processing power would make me a sad panda.

Can we expect anything for the US? I've been holding out on getting my N1 fixed (cracked screen) in the hopes that something newer and shinier would be on its way.

@Nightwriter: I was annoyed that the demon fetus even happened. What I wanted was a movie that could have been just as easily explained by science or medicine as by demonic possession, and I got that for everything up until the last 10 minutes.

@DarkPGR: How are trophies a disaster? I can't think of a single multiplatform title where the trophies and achievements weren't exactly the same.

@AOClaus: It forces developers into corners they don't want to be in. They force the devs to charge for content they had originally planned to release for free, they regulate the release cycle of DLC to maximize their profits which can be a detriment to the developer, etc.

I have to say that I really enjoyed The Last Exorcism up until the last 10 minutes of the movie, which totally ruined it for me.