
@Cyriaque Lamar: Okay. I had a moment of panic when I read the headline and thought I had missed some appointments from Wednesday.

Unless something has's not Thursday yet, is it?

@MazdaMania: That's the joy of open source...they didn't have a choice.

@thiagohf113: Looks like a woman looking into a mirror.

@digi7al: Wrong game. That's Kung Fu Rider, the game in this article is Kung Fu Live.

@Janglesatwest: For some reason I read this as "Galactica Space-Whale Wars" referring to BSG as a space whale and the wars around them...and then saw that you hated the show and had a moment of think that anyone out there hated BSG! Blasphemy.

@klip_twings: The Exchange services serve the armed forces, that is their clientèle.

@quantumopticproductions: I agree with you from a philosophical perspective, but from a "rights" and "legal" perspective, I have no real problem with what they are doing.

@quantumopticproductions: Military property is essentially private property and many of our freedoms go away when you step onto private property.

@cfive3: It's easy to jump to the conclusion that it's censorship or violating on rights, but it's not. Like I said, anyone (not just the military) can decide what they will and will not sell.

@RefusalRefused: They aren't suppressing a freedom, they are exercising it. They have every right, just like any other store out there, to decide what they will and will not stock.

@wocyob: Pull what shit?

@cfive3: How is this a violation of the first amendment? My local corner store can decide they don't want to stock beef because it's against their religion, that doesn't violate anyone's rights. It's a similar situation.

@TheTastyPineapple: Fact of the matter is it's not banned. About Six Days In Fallujah, the developer decided to stop developing it, no one forced them to. And finally, your last argument is asinine at best. Yes, we are a "free" nation but that doesn't give us the right to do whatever we want to do. There are laws

@TheTastyPineapple: Actually, the right to decide not to sell this product based on their moral principles is exactly the type of freedom our military is protecting. They aren't banning the game, telling anyone they can't play it, or anything of the sort. They are simply choosing not to stock the game in their

@GeneralissimoFurioso: When you're as critically important and visible as Roger Ebert, yes, you damned well better watch what you say or it will backfire in some way. Yes, he's entitled to his own opinion, but as Falconboom said, he shouldn't have declared or presented it as an absolute.

@stone500: Oh, I agree 100%. Specific actors/characters were well portrayed, but overall as a whole the acting was sketchy.

@pandafresh: I'm sure there were reasons why they didn't. The game was in development for a long time, it's not hard to imagine that they were past deadline and over budget already. Not to mention the fact that they could use the same actors for the French localization saving on time and money.

@theenemysgateisdown: And what a fantastic blender it is. Bought one last Thanksgiving and have used the crap out of it. Love it.