
@L3G10N: In the end, it is a lot of money, but to be fair, there are 5 television shows I watch each year. If I were to buy them on DVD, that's $250 (before tax) every year, not to mention the other movies and such that I rent. So what I pay right now isn't a bad deal at all all things considered. However, I don't

@wheelis: Depends on what you want out of it, but I'm on an old plan, so not sure what the new ones are. As far as my plan, it's $19.99 per month for 3 movies out at a time and unlimited in store exchanges (take a movie that was mailed to me into the store and exchange it for any movie there for free). I also receive

Hrm, I didn't think there was confirmation of the Borg being involved (based on the last article I read). Seeing a Borg cube seems to be a pretty good indicator.

@tralfaz23: I'd be willing to bet that the stories regarding bricked PS3s after software updates are blown WAY out of proportion. I know several folks with PS3s of all varieties (launch 20gb, launch 60gb, 40gb, 80gb, Slims) and none have been bricked. #netflix

@maximegalon01: It's funny how you start your comment with rampant fanboyism and flamebait material...then right at the very end you bring up a rational and entirely relevant question.

No offense Brian, but watching you struggle with opening the box in a way that it wasn't designed to be caused quite a bit of rage in me. Half the fun is playing along. ;) #dantesinferno

@slickrick211: How can you say they suck when you haven't even given them an opportunity to resolve the issues yet? #borderlands

@Shashwat Singh: I don't think Sony is the one you should be blaming here. MSFT has already set a precedent for charging for DLC when the developer wanted it to be free. #brutallegend

@tok1879: I remember this happening to a Gears of War map pack as well. Epic wanted to release it for free but MSFT wouldn't let them and forced them to charge for it. #brutallegend

@wild_world_girl: Microsoft's exclusivity contract I imagine only covers the direct competitors to Xbox (PS3 and Wii). Other devices aren't included in that exclusivity clause.

I'm curious, there's no mention of HD streaming in the press release, PS blog, or here. MSFT touted that as an exclusive pretty I'm curious if the PS3 will get HD streaming or if it'll all be SD content. #netflix

Well, the price makes a certain amount of sense considering what they have to go through to have access to the masters. It's not ideal, but it's better than nothing. #thebeatlesrockband

@fernandosolano: Absolutely! Even though Deadspace was full of gore, the scariest moments in the game were when something wasn't happening on the screen. Anticipating what might happen was what really had me on the edge of my seat the entire game.

@Archaotic: Let's not forget a new model and significant price drop...something a lot of people that were on the fence have been waiting for.

@Jawmuncher: I moved to Fayetteville from Seattle a few years ago. I stayed for a year and moved back to Seattle. ;)

@metalnut: I definitely agree. Having to own multiple consoles is something the consumer shouldn't have to endure. However as you said, it's the sad truth.

@Jawmuncher: Well, you're out in the middle of podunk nowhere. Fayetteville is a tiny city (or a large town) full of dry cleaners and used car dealerships. :)

@Captain_MacSoup: He didn't say that owning both makes you a serious gamer. Just that a serious gamer should own both. And I agree. If you are serious about your gaming, then the most important factor would be the games themselves, not the console they run on. To experience all that games have to offer, you have