
@Npeaen: That makes me sad...and jealous. :(

@Npeaen: Posted on your other comment, it's disappointing to hear that you guys all got it and we didn't. Oh well.

@Npeaen: Are you talking about the VIP event or last night's event? My understanding is that at the VIP event held on Monday, everyone in all four markets got the game. But the general public event that happened last night only raffled copies off.

@Jon Q: Most definitely, grats to team Drake. Jordan was an animal! That was a great final match as well. A very good friend of mine was on team El Dorado (second place) and was going to trade me the Fortune Hunter's Edition for a standard copy if I bought it since he doesn't really care about collectible stuff.

@SinclairBabali: My guess is that if they do manage to get what they need to include Bohemian Rhapsody, they'll hold on to it and include it when harmony vocals in Rockband launch (whether that's with a patch or in Rockband 3).

@Izod517: Problem is that the routers with firmware that can be flashed and replaced with a solution for bridging that support 802.11N aren't $20. They are usually up in the $70-100 range.

@Tiller: I rack-ed my brain for a good response to the puns in your post, but it was a bust. Hopefully this game will relieve the udder boredom I've been experiencing lately.

I was pretty disappointed with the beta. Nothing felt tight. The world was bland (yes, I know, it's post apocalyptic, but Fallout had a rich and detailed world) and everything felt....5 years ago. Hard to describe, but it definitely wasn't anywhere near finished...felt like an alpha build during open beta.

@BeerManMike: I also have a launch 60gb. In the past I have left it on nearly 24 hours a day doing folding@home when I'm not around. More recently (within the last 6 monts) I've started to turn it off when not in use, but even still, it gets 1-2 hours of use per day during the week and 5-6 hours per day during the

@Paradox Viper: It seems to me that this is what Heavy Rain is attempting to do.

@Bitterfish: You present some interesting points about the impetus of characters in past RPGs. I'd be interested to see how one might go about creating a game where your character is the driving force of the plot. Where your actions aren't a reaction to something, but are causing the reactions. I'm having a hard

@EternalStar: Don't forget Bungie, Gas Powered Games, and Monolith. :)

Awesome, I live just south of Bellevue, WA. I'm going to keep tabs on this and see what it takes to get a spot. I was at the PAX Sony gathering last year and came in second place in a tournament to win the MGS4 limited edition PS3.

@Slanzinger: In an odd turn of events though, the PS3 seems to be one of the few consumer electronics that rewarded it's early adopters (hardware driven backward compatibility, more USB ports, ability to install Linux, etc). In the case of the PS3 slim though, you're getting most of what was currently available

@mrryu: Perhaps he was carrying it from the parking lot to the building?

@kayven: Kirkland Signature from Costco is in fact named after the city of Kirkland where Stephen visited.

Wasn't really the type of test I was expecting. Much cooler than that. Drew me into the game a bit more and actually got me interested.

@wolfthing11: It says that they will be using MP3s.

@Striderhayasa - Can we get some damn m/kb support?!: "The PS3 logo at startup is stupid. If the person turning on the ps3 doesn't know that it's a ps3 they're about to use, then that person qualifies as the idiot of the year. It's redundant and totally unnecessary."