The Gray Adder

Pretty much. He right, too. Even if were just going to wait a couple of years before buying again, you could save the money you were going to budget for car payments and have a sizable downpayment to go with your improved credit score when you do get a new(ish) car.


You can bet those cars that are rented out of SYR get washed every time they’re turned in. Can you imagine picking up a rental from a rust belt airport that is caked in salt and slush? Believe me, that doesn’t happen. I’ve flown out of Hancock plenty of times, and those cars sit, nice and clean, on the bottom floor of

Or even below your budget. That’s how you get rich. I haven't had a car payment since 2011.

I have encountered people like that who think people with good incomes who drive beaters are weird. Go figure. 

My last two cars were former rentals. I saved a ton of money doing that.

The early aughts Corolla was horrible. Too small and too much understeer. The only good thing is that the engine was about as reliable as a Kitchenaid mixer, and will still run like the day it was built long after the tin can it was installed in has turned to dust.

I see your CarPlay, and raise you OnStar. GM's been trying it for longer.

People’s needs shift over time. For example, that sports coupe you like so much kind of becomes burdensome once you have kids.

You mean there are car companies not in the Rolls Royce class that will upgrade the hopelessly outdated infotainment system in your six or eight year old car for some reasonable fee? Where?

Premium? Really? How so?

I would run my cars ten years in the Northeast. You ought to get at least 15 where it doesn’t snow as much.

Ooh, you beat me to it. No, I will not buy new again. The major rental car companies have lots and lots of nicely broken in cars of every shape and size on their lots that they’re selling for thousands under KBB. Go there instead.

A jockstrap is just a bra for your boys. What's the big deal?

Wow. Trump looks like a toddler mid tantrum in that pic. More of these, please.

I hope I didn't give you a PTSD attack. 

You think that’s bad, I went to Neu Yankee Stadion (the house Steinbrenner built) once with a bleacher ticket. A good chunk of those have seriously obstructed views of the outfield because of the Batter’s Eye Cafe. Yankee Stadium was built in 2006. No excuses for obstructed views anywhere in a ballpark built in the

Reducing the number of teams would increase the quality of the product, and thus increase demand for it. Does Florida really need multiple shitty teams that nobody cares about? Would anyone shed a tear for the Orioles? Why do the Reds still get away with playing AAA ball? Relegate the bottom four teams in each league,

I managed to cut right through the corner of my fingernail. Not a good feeling.