They should have the best college football team in the NFL.
They should have the best college football team in the NFL.
That would be Dallas in Week 3. I played the Patriots’ defense in fantasy, and cleaned up. I expect to get shelled next week when it's my opponent's turn to clobber the Fish. I also have Lamar Jackson, so it shouldn't be *so* bad.
Bring ‘em to San Antonio. We have a domed stadium all ready for them, right off I-37 and easily reachable by bus from anywhere in town. And we have kick ass Mexican food.
AAw, that’s a baby wee wee.
The President looks orange under LED light because the incandescent bulbs he's using while applying bronzer make him look too pale. Probably because he is.
Ok, so it’s a combination of the ball and attitude of hitters favoring the long ball over merely making good contact and putting the ball into play.
Good thing I have the Bears’ D on my fantasy team.
Ditto for the next GOP presidential nominee.
They also don’t remember how often they needed to be changed, or how high their 70s electric bills could get if one was left on in the garage overnight.
Oldy V8 land barges produce a warm glow that is nostalgic and folksy. They make American driveways look how voters remember the 1970s looking. Voters crave that 70s look, and no modern fuel efficient car with modern safety features can deliver it, regardless of how quickly they get to 60 mph. Advantage Trump.
They would do this in the Army back in the days. Never understood why, other than early 80s admin clerk with 10th grade education (look it up) would see acronyms spelled out like that and assumed that key words and phrases were treated like that. I used to retype other clerks' horrible work all the time. (Hey, PFC…
Reagan was at least governor of California before he ran for President. He was qualified, no matter what you might have thought about him. Trump, not so much, and now even less than in 2016, if you can believe it. He fucks up everything he touches, and the more we know about Trump, the less we like him. That’s why he…
Republicans could somehow elect a literal chimpanzee President, and it would manage a 88% approval rating from its own party. This is an utterly meaningless stat, apart from asking why it's under 90%.
I said in another thread about some rumors regarding Pence that if he really wanted to fuck Trump over good, he'd resign sometime around Super Tuesday.
But he's on my fantasy team, so he better not bring this crap on the field.
BBecause in so doing, they are displaying an insufficient level of genuflection, and he can’t have that.
Reverse: uh, yeah. States set their own standards on all kinds of stuff (see helmet laws, DUI thresholds, etc). As long as federal standards are not compromised, it’s legal. Why should they be prohibited from exceeding federal standards on clean air? It makes no sense. Next thing you know, stores will be prohibited…
At least he had the good sense to form an exploratory committee before jumping in, not like the current version of the clown car.
If VP Pence wanted to really put the fear of God into Trump, he'd resign sometime next spring, right around Super Tuesday. I'll let that scenario roll around in your heads for awhile.