The Gray Adder

And then you still have to get in the door before you can show the boss you actually know how to do whatever it is you went to school for. That can be hard when you went to Rusty Shackleford’s Skool of Doin' Blue Collar Stuff.

Which would be fine if it weren’t true.

You really should have been working on your knuckleball. /s

You obviously didn’t major in anything that required math, so let me share some with you.

And would provide a triple espresso jolt to the economy. Just think - young professionals who can afford to get married and have kids, buy houses, buy cars, go on vacation, go out to eat, go shopping! Now THAT'S stimulus!

Uh, he basically said the Justice department, as currently constituted, believes the President is above the law, however temporarily, as long as he’s President. That doesn’t mean Congress can’t take down everything Trump does and beg the next DOJ to take action.

Yeah, that’s it. He tried to hang up. Woulda succeeded too if Guido ovah here knew how to tie a decent knot.

Well, since cats outnumber wind turbines by a considerable factor, my comment stands. This, and no one has yet shown me a photo of a pile of dead birds lying at the foot of a wind turbine. I am not sure where the Smithsonian got their data, but since it’s continent wide, it’s far less alarming than it looks. Comparing

I root for the Jets to troll my cow orkers who root for Dallas and (to a lesser extent) Houston.

So only the top level Yakusa boss can get one.

Just $189,999 for one of these? One   probably couldn’t even talk to a Rolls salesman for that.

Or in our case, our mail delivery person is sloppy and oftentimes leaves packages in the wrong box or front stoop. We’re walking misdelivered packages to eack other’s correct porch all the time.

Well, Minnesota is also responsible for Jesse Ventura and Michelle Bachmann. 

Well, he still has to go see the Queen, doesn't he? Oh, I would love to be a fly on the wall during that meeting. What would happen if Her Majesty were to withhold her consent?

More like texting Ann Coulter every time he has a brain fart.

That sounds like an Ann Coulter title. Wanna bet she ghost wrote it?

I always thought Franken was ratfucked, and his colleagues in the Senate were a bunch of frightened little cowards. Franken might have run for President had this been handled better, and mopped the floor with Trump. Yes, he’s that talented and that smart. If anyone could have sent Trump back to Manhattan, it was Al

If we’re going to keep term limits on the President, the bar for impeachment should be lower in the second term. Maybe just a simple majority of senators, but I am feeling 60% should do.

I dislike burger towers in general. It’s either this disgusting thing, or the overly pretentious frou frou nonsense that costs $15 and includes an inch thick barely flattened ball of ground round, cooked medium rare if the chef isn’t in a hurry and you said “medium”, topped with a variety of salad stuff, the purpose

YYou need a good narrative, though. Some reason to be on TV. There are plenty of right wing nuts - just look around any red state with a preponderance of pickup trucks. Few of them are interesting, and think truck nuts (I saw a pair this morning that were made of polished aluminum) and MOLON LABE decals are an