The Gray Adder

Baby shower Tupperware from the 1950s that people will pay big bucks for on eBay.

Get. A. Deposit. It’s really that simple. Of course, I am sure the mayor of Lebanon, Ohio, is a true Trumper, as are those of most of the other towns that were stiffed. I am sure the residents therein won’t mind a bit when their property taxes go up to cover it. I mean, a big city like El Paso can

Hard driving doesn’t kill mileage like sitting in traffic does. San Antonio rush hour can piss you off sometimes. 

It means you can keep just about any car running indefinitely if you throw enough money at it. 

So how quick is a V6 Camry nowadays?

With lap belts and none of those sissy airbags, ‘natch.

Lots of private companies have kept their branding more or less consistent for decades, or even more than a century. Coca Cola comes to mind. You know you're holding a Coke in your hand without even reading the label, and that's the point.

And none of those sissy airbags, either.

TTrump had better pray he and his toadies don't get clobbered next year. Once he's no longer President, he's fair game for the next AG to throw the book at him.

Well, President Obama had to put up with Dubbers' stupid rug in the Oval Office for most of his first term.

Actually, Nixon left Washington on Marine One.

This from a group of people who would be fine if Ford found a way to resurrect the 1964.5 Mustang and get away with it. So it's dated. Big deal.

Because the existing livery is iconic. Because the new one is too Donald Trump. Let's hope the only actual manifestation of this is the drawing Trump was showing George Stephanopoulos. He can frame it and hang it in Trump Tower somewhere.

I'll take it.

You pay less mileage penalty on your garden variety crossover than you used to. You can squeeze out around 33 mpg highway or so from a two row, so getting 38 in a Corolla or Accent or whatever isn’t enough incentive to get one when you don’t have to shoehorn yourself into a two row crossover, and it will carry

I am sure the infrastructure cost involved in having a charging station put in somewhere is far less than for a gas pump and underground tank. What would be the break even point if your local grocer were to have a few put in, you know, at the other end of the parking lot next to the gas pumps, and charged a few

Good handwriting in cursive impresses people on things like job applications. Yes, you already submitted a resume, or maybe filled out some other stuff online, but oftentimes you still get handed a paper form to fill out while waiting for your turn to get grilled by your hopefully future boss.

Don’t get me started on how much I agree with you on that. I don't have enough finger strength to type it all.

SB 9 had nothing to do with this, but yeah, it's dead, Jim. The House killed it in committee.

Mainly out in the western plains and the panhandle, where few of these people go to begin with, from what I read.