What? No answer? Yeah, I figured you were a drive-by troll. Probably from Russia. Tell Vladimir I said hi.
What? No answer? Yeah, I figured you were a drive-by troll. Probably from Russia. Tell Vladimir I said hi.
It depends on the city. San Antonio is the 7rh largest in the country, and I can’t imagine getting by without a car. Via is ok, I guess, but it’s a poor substitute, like most places not called New York.
Basically, I am being taxed because I like avocados.
So what did Obama do to fuck up the economy, other than being President while black?
The culprit should be made to sit on a milk crate.
I had the donut fryer that pops up from the center console.
#2 - pretzels or crackers? For me it's pizza pretzels or GTFO.
72? Your oil delivery service must love you.
This. I want an HOA if I ever move again. One with teeth, for the reasons you described here.
In New York, the average income tax bill is around 6%. Do the math for your individual situation. Most Texans come out way ahead.
Or you can buy a house significantly under your affordability level, and pay less.
As long as the non-bubble I live in doesn't know I have money, I am cool with that.
I try to comment in character.
That’s the way Trump always sounds. Who would know the difference?
There was wide agreement that HRC was going to be the nominee in ‘16. If you recall, the others were waiting to see if she would run before announcing. In ‘20, not so much.
So beat Mitch Mcconnell. His approval rating in Kentucky is in the toilet. Surely there is a Democrat there who isn't Mitch-lite.
Anyone who expected otherwise needs to wise the fuck up real fast and start backing candidates who support adding more seats to the Supreme Court.
That is a flaw in the system. There should have been a clause in the Constitution that provided for a jury, presumably chosen in the same way as for a criminal trial, to try impeachments. Instead, we throw it to a biased body of legislators that have been in no way independent of the executive. The republic will fall…
Surely there are beater vehicles around that can be deployed for this purpose.
Yep, she grew up fine as hell.