The Gray Adder


Bernie can't win. He wasn't ready for prime time in 2016, and he's not any more ready now.

There are Senate races that need candidates. The DNC can’t find anyone to run in them because they’re all running for President. We are seriously shooting ourselves in the dick.

Thank you for that.

Oobvious pr0n star boobies come to mind.

Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes to the does stupid

That's why you need to incorporate in one of those libertarian anything-goes states where the consumer is a pawn at best. Nevada?

I’ll buy that. Otherwise, it would have taken days to get a halfassed non-apology from them. It’s already Monday, and the whole thing is already over.

We are now living in a bad John Carpenter “Escape From, where Snake Plisskin was killed during the opening credits.

A small fraction, in some cases, at a highly publicized event recorded for the 11 o'clock news at 11:25.

But Gov. Abbott is in a wheelchair! He's the Lone Star FDR! Bbbut....

Or even to line one's own pockets (see other reply). Those who run non-profits are allowed to take salaries, right?

OK, so tell us, what is your position on the Second Amendment?

Just enough people hated Hillary Clinton so much...

Too bad SNL wrapped for the year. Having Aidy Bryant parody Sanders' dumb cherry on top through clenched teeth would have been priceless.

Most of my CS grad school professors had day jobs in the industry. Seems people with Ph.D.s in computer science are good for lots more than just teaching, and probably make tons more money off campus than on it. So Sen. Warren did the same thing as an attorney. Big whoop.

Clinton was at least qualified for the job. A little competence goes a long way, although your question is unanswerable, which no doubt makes you feel soooooooo smug asking it. Anyway, I doubt we would be the laughingstock of the world like we are now. Art of the deal my ass.

Other presidents haven’t deliberately tried to undermine a good economy while claiming to be making America great again.

It's a handy place to put the light switch.

So my question to the fine people of Michigan - how is that decision to make Trump President working out for you all?