The Gray Adder

I’m not stupid, just not well versed in Virginia politics. So why did this Tom Perriello fellow not win his primary? Or do these things tend to happen in smoke filled rooms like in the old days?

This is the only practical use for Bitcoin, paying off criminals. No one else should be invested in it.

That is, a clear majority of Virginia Democrats. That's a lot of cowardice. Who was the alternative they should have picked?

My state school was in NCAA Division III and didn't have a football team. 

OK, I’ll go ahead and ask. Which institutions? Names, please. I also have had “dealings” with “institutions” in the past, and they weren’t run anything like that. Granted, these are state schools, and that might be a whole different ballgame.

Wll, he's got the Trump delusion that people will pay good money to read what he has to say to his ghost writer. Are there really that many stupid people with money out there?

It’s a modest selection of household items that changes every few weeks. You might even find a $189 laptop (Win 10, decent but basic specs) in one week’s circular, but hurry up or they’ll be gone.

Mom used to say that, until she learned where her favorite candy bars were coming from that we were bringing her. A decade ago, Aldi was the place where you spent your food stamps to make them go farther. Today, that's still sort of true, but the product quality is way better, and new stores have tended to be located

They'll get it from the Texas and Louisiana oil and gas industries. Petroleum is the new cotton.

Not keeping kosher is the least of their hypocrisies. 

I am waiting for the part where Congress refuses to fund X, Y, and Z, and Trump simply directs the Treasury to print the money so he can spend it anyway. 

For God's sake, don't tell them which book. They might misinterpret it as an instruction manual. 

The 12th Amendment says the VP must be eligible to be President, full stop.

Obama was hamstrung by Congress from the third year of his administration. You certainly wouldn't have done better.

Jjumping in is ill-advised, since many of Europe's rivers are polluted to the point where swimming is prohibited. 

Uh, no. The Constitution is pretty clear on that. No one who is ineligible to be President can be Vice President. 

Epsilon... minus.

Obama is constitutionally ineligible to be VP.

A pro wrestler? Naah, Minnesota did that. A porn star? Naah, Mike Judge already predicted that in Idiocracy. Hmmm, how about an actual Mob capo?

...mostly targeting women 55 and older.