Somehow this is reminding me of Helena Bonham Carter. In a good way. Everything Helena Bonham Carter is always in a good way.
Somehow this is reminding me of Helena Bonham Carter. In a good way. Everything Helena Bonham Carter is always in a good way.
Thanks for contributing the oh-so-original comment that we never ever see posted at least once on every single article about a member of any royal family. Your incredibly unique insight really added to the conversation!
That's the thing though -marrying your cousin -first or otherwise- is not considered inbreeding. Marrying your first cousin might make you uncomfortable, but it's not incest. Elizabeth II and Philip are third cousins. How many people even know who their third cousins are? No one in the British royal family has ever…
I feel like if you can't see yourself doing it[marriage] forever, then just continue dating...
That exact thing happened to me at The Grove, except it was Lindsey Lohan and Paris Hilton. I just happened to look at them as they were crossing my path. I wouldn't have noticed them at all except the death glare startled me.
Today's chat swirls around the fact that Rich doesn't really have any jams to grind to and it's making him sad. So sad that he's always saying, what happened to the slow jam? Like, why can't people just make lovely slow R&B songs that make you feel nice and sexy and like cuddling with somebody for a little while? Me…
Back in 2004, there was a profile of Mischa Barton in Allure in which she had this to say about her appearance at a benefit for survivors of the Beslan massacre, in which 334 people, mostly children, died: "Oh. For these Russian victims of like, acts of terror. Most people didn't know who I was because they were all…
Thanks. I literally am always looking for reasons to post Rudy gifs on Jez and Gawker. Rudy Forever!
Coming from New York, I was friends with a lot of the fashion designers. I grew up in a world around models and supermodels and designers and fashion. In L.A., they were very much like, 'What is that? I don't really know what that is.
Nope. Not a real thing. I work in production, costume people follow designers.
I started getting Chanel to send stuff. I started having these designers send stuff over because I saw the merit in getting that kind of stuff on television. It was interesting: If I had those connections in the fashion world, why not?
" No one gives a Shit about you Barton. "
You are leaving out a few key details. How far away from school and home do both of you work? Is your husbands employment not flexible with time off? Is he hourly v. salaried? Is your employment flexible with time off? Are you hourly v. salaried? Are either of you self employed? For a time my wife worked 10…
did you at least let him keep his testicles in a jar next to his crate
Someone's gonna hack this so they can use it as a PA system to yell at stupid drivers.
It's probably because Jafar has such an abnormally long face, but even if they got a normal-faced actor I'm sure that everyone would still recognize him.
This is Disney we're talking here. She'll be on the missing persons list by the end of the week.