the governess

I have honestly never heard a Jew get angry because the fact that other racial groups died in the Holocaust was brought up.

Have you ever considered how degrading it is to treat the elderly as if they're somehow not like everyone else?

Did you detox because you took bullshit pills, or because you went for runs and started cooking fresh food for dinner? No doubt exercise and a good diet is healthier, but that isn't "detox."



That is all.

Amber couldn't believe he had made such a fool out of himself,"a source said in the Dec. 1st edition of Star Magazine, according to several websites. "This reflects really badly on her, and she's not happy about it

I really want one of these for my house. I'm prettier when I'm confident, who isn't? Besides, not only am I my own biggest critic, I really only care what I think about how I look. Also, I'd put out more if I was more confident and I like sex so win win win win.

Yes. I have made total peace with how I look straight-on. Please, Macy's, I beg of you... leave the side and back views to my imagination. (I imagine they look PERFECT.)

OMG THIS!!! Every time I look at myself in a dressing room mirror at Macy's I look like a 100 year old meth addict. It's like they don't want you to buy their stuff.

At this point Steve and Brian are wondering why Barbie never goes for Nice Guys.

What is really creeping me out is the only commenter on here that is defending Second Life. Just shows that SL has some "unique" people.

I read another article about just this, where Maggie Smith basically said that the Dowager Countess should have been long dead of old age by now.

Ah, yes, here it is. The "I" referenced throughout is Allen Leech:
"Maggie Smith turned to me on one of our last days of filming this season and said, 'I must be 196 years

continuity. Ten years are supposed to have passed in the series, an in real life she'd be getting pretty old. It's a reasonable progression, vs. them trying to explain why the dog is some kind of canine methuselah, outlasting many of the human characters.

All the way to the motherfuckin' top.

And you forgot the part where DeNiro grabs Depardieu's dick:

I love how Bob's into it and Gerard's all French.

That's such a weird picture - Depardieu looks like DeNiro. I had to look back and forth several times to figure out who was who.

I will gladly swap 9/10 of the violence that network tv shows for just straight up full frontal on network tv. Because only one of those things makes my life feel shittier after I watch it, and it's never sex.

Mark, you forgot this one of Robert DeNiro and Gerard Depardieu getting a handjob together.

As someone who has lived in Alaska all her life I can assure you of the following: