My wedding is in a month, and I can think of nothing better in the entire universe than a live Rickroll at the reception. If any of you can put me in contact with his people, please do so. I am dead serious.
My wedding is in a month, and I can think of nothing better in the entire universe than a live Rickroll at the reception. If any of you can put me in contact with his people, please do so. I am dead serious.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. When she says she knows nothing about her mother except that she was black, and the love interest responds, "then at least we know she was beautiful," I tear up. Every. Damn. Time.
And this is where white audiences need to put bums in seats in theatres, to prove that, yes, we are interested in seeing good movies and great performances that aren't restricted to white casting choices (See; "Noah" and lack of diversity).
Oh god oh man I can't wait to see this movie! I've been excited about it ever since I saw the first trailer however long ago. (Too bad I don't know anyone that would want to see this with me.)
"That's my worst nightmare, I cheated on my wife,"
I literally tipped my head back and cackled uncontrollably when I read her comment.
But honestly, it actually hurts my feelings when you say that most Jezebel readers are trolls and bad feminists.
You're delusional. She said nothing about the vast majority of readers. She said she had problem with the company and what they choose to write about and with the trolls that found her. All she said was that Jezebel has some trolls, which we all know is true. If you do NOT fit in the overlap between "Jezebel…
Yo, I don't care about this discussion either way, but I'm mostly amazed at the mental gymnastics it took you to somehow think that she said that somehow you were sending her rape threats. You, specifically. Holy hell. How did you get there?
I have never had a blog so I don't understand what it would be like to put effort into that and then feel as if a negative influence was making unstoppable advances into your intellectual space. However I do understand that in general, this website is supposed to foster a community of like minded people who are…
No. Nonononono. This, right here is why Roxy doesn't want to be linked to Jezebel. I really like WTF, Plus Size... and I entirely sympathize with Roxy's point of view. Her doing stuff on the internet doesn't give you the right to... Whatever this is... What do you call this - snark? It's unpleasant, it has no value…
i dunno bud, what kind of mature, thoughtful response did you want to some stranger writing a random insulting thing to me?
Yes, it's the internet. But it seems to me that if this lady doesn't want her stuff on this site, then Jezebel should honor that request. It's pretty straight-forward.
oh no a jezebel rando doesn't take me seriously.
jezebel actually did not remove my name or link from the previous article, nor did they remove the article in question !
Hi, this is Roxy of WTFPlus. I have respectfully asked you guys not to write about or link to me several times, because you guys write all kinds of crappy, toxic, irresponsible, and damaging stuff about women all the time. Can you stop? Please?
Photographic proof she is a goddamn Disney princess:
Oh god.