People mock romance but there's excellent writers in that genre.
People mock romance but there's excellent writers in that genre.
Why if you love books you should genuflect every time you pass the romance section. That pulp pays for everything else.
"No one's going to bring up her mom's sex life."
Someone can be proud of heritage and I don't think it means you're racist, but when heritage costs over 600,000 lives I am not sure anyone should be proud of that.
Germans can have national pride too but that doesn't mean they should start putting swastika stickers on their cars. That flag, whether you like it or not, is a symbol of a horrific past for a large chunk of our population.
First season was actually pretty awesome, and a little more 'adult'. References were made to Jesse's sex life, Joey had a mannequin who was dressed exactly like him at all times, and tiny baby Michelle was an amazing actress....
I always thought it was weird how overly styled Stephanie was for being raised by 3 straight men.
It's Petals ON the Wind.
I must be officially an old because reading that first paragraph was such a weird flashback to skipping the first chapter of each of the BSC and Sleepover Friends books. Duh, I KNOW THIS PART ALREADY.
I miss the old days when magazines used MODELS and not celebrities. Talk about overexposure! Maybe photoshop wouldn't be so rampant because models are chosen for their features and beauty whereas some celebrities need a little oomph.
'This... stuff'? Oh. Okay. I see. You think this has nothing to do with you. You go to your closet and you select... I don't know... that lumpy blue sweater, for instance because you're trying to tell the world that you take yourself too seriously to care about what you put on your back. But what you don't know is…
EXACTLY. When she's already positioned as his counterpart, any response she gave would automatically have the implication that it's just an alternative viewpoint. Having the judge step in was an unequivocal "fuck you, don't do that, that's not acceptable" that she would have been unable to give. Not because she's a…
Also, I think in this context, she's not allowed to react the way the judge did. If she had, she would have been criticized for being a whiny b-word, not able to hold her own, etc. If she had just hit him back with the lyrics, it would have sent the message, as you say, that his words were just word - not a horrific…
Part of what men who threaten to rape need is to hear other men saying it's not okay. To not be supported by a crowd when they throw something like that out there (I really liked seeing men in the crowd doing the across-the-throat "cut it out" gesture). It's not about protecting the little wimmins, it's about standing…
Indeed, the only way it could have been better would to be to remove all of those extra people.
This. She's not on the front, but when you open it up, she's the center of focus.
Diversity means black right? Where's the Latinos at? Maybe when we reach 50% of the US population we can get some love.
That's Lupita's cover and everyone else is just a prop.
Is it odd that I find this a bit endearing?
I think Kayla Knapps response to the article would have had heavier weight if she simply explained what she meant. Her open-ended tweet is what I think leaves it confusing. When she says, "I don't blame her" What does she mean? What was her purpose in tweeting?