the governess

Right, but you're also kind of ignoring the many commenters who have informed you that the system no longer works that way, and so your anecdote, while interesting, is kind of an anachronism at best and a bit of a red herring at worst. Also, there are some real shithead dads out there (shithead moms, too) and others

Inaccurate wording, I admit, but no "Er" needed. Chalk it up to coded language.
The anti-monarch position is one I share, but it is largely generational and regional. There are plenty of older people outside of Quebec who embrace Canada's British heritage.

I get ragey every year when the theoretical salary of a stay at home mom is calculated. I know kids are a ton of work, but half the stuff on the list are things that adults often do (e.g. cleaning, laundry, cooking) rather than outsource, and the only thing that isn't marked up like crazy is the actual childcare.

It's a real distinction. Much as republicans hate to admit it the Royal family costs less than the treasury take in from rent on the Crown Estate. Then you've got the profits from the Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall, income from private investments, etc.

Barf. Also, as an actual hairdresser, I have to say a lot of mothers are piss-poor at making sure their kids brush their hair. I cannot count the number of times I've had to basically comb dreds out of preteen girls' hair. That's why I charge full price for a kid's haircut, too, no matter how much the mothers whine.

Fair enough.

What it means is that UK taxpayers make a profit off the royals even without taking tourism into account. The Queen's allowance makes up quite a small percentage of the income from her estates - the rest goes to the government. It is a very significant difference.

This appears to be Melissa Berrill's first article for the Guardian. And what a badly informed soapbox piece of juvenile 'class war' this is. Her thoughts right now:

By request, I'm going to tell you guys about some of the science behind vaccinations/immunizations, why it's important to get them, and why "over-vaccination" isn't something that can occur. Many of you that support vaccinations may know some of this, but perhaps I can provide a little more "technical" insight into

What gets me worked up is the people who are posting that in my Facebook circles are the same bitches who say "be thankful you're only a step-mother. Imagine what us real mothers go through!" Oh, fuck your vagina with a jackhammer. I raised my step-kids because their "real" mother couldn't do it so back your fucktruck

Oh, for christ's sake. I was at Cambridge for undergrad. Here's why this is wrong:

I can see why "Grammarian" isn't on the list.

I am a mom and I hate this.

... and that is one of the many reasons why I love Mexico, here they DON'T ask you if you want your child vaccinated. They just don't. It's simply not up to the parents to take those decisions, it's about public health/safety and whenever the Secretaria de Salud has a new vaccine they'll go house by house

Christ, I hate that thing so much.

Here's another question I have: have those stupid laptop/drinks trays gotten lower down than they used to be? I can never pop them into place because my quads forbid it. The quads say NO WE ARE TOO POPPIN FRESH FOR THIS TRAY. I know it's also partially the hamstring's fault, but the quads are the ones I can see.

Can we talk about what would happen to the airlines if they made seats that a certain religion forbade, and then they charged extra if you wanted a different seat for religious reasons? As a society, we're so totally down with fat shaming that this seat fuckery is okay. The premise is that it's somehow the fat

I'm actually reading this while sitting on a plane RIGHT NOW and I gotta say, I'm a small person. Petite, narrow, and short and while I was reading I looked down to see how much of the seat I'm taking up and the answer is, a whole fucking lot. I have maybe 4 or 5 extra inches of chair with my legs crossed. I can sit

It's the super fun cocaine spider! Instead of hiding and jumping/biting its prey, it just hangs out in the bathroom telling you about its newest TV Show idea. It kills you with one liners trying to coax a threeway.