
Now *that* is a hell of a Monday night beer. Too many good beers languish in cellars as people wait for “just the right time” to drink them. Maybe now is the perfect time? Cheers!

Nah dude, my taste in beer isn’t shitty. I just don’t always want something super flavorful. Sometimes I want a beer I don’t have to think about. Sometimes I just want something cold and bubbly and yellow. 

I have two bottles of Bell’s Third Coast Old Ale (bottled October 2015) that I’ve been sitting on for 6 months now. Everytime I plan to drink them I wonder what kind of adventure it will send me on. I’ve had it before so I know I’m in for a treat.Been wanting to drink them for weeks now,  I think tonight might be the

The physics as he hits the curb is absolutely heartbreaking.

I’m very tolerant until the discussion turns to how to exterminate me or anyone else.

I thought the Conservative party was the party of Christian family values.

The right is intolerant of anything that conflicts with its lies and falsehoods.

I thought I’d add a new take on a fan favorite.

Going out on a limb here and guessing they aren’t REALLY trying to create a functional meditative space of absolute introspection.

Rockstar Table Tennis is a license to print money. There’s a reason we haven’t seen a sequel yet, humanity just isn’t ready.

I assume this will end like a sitcom fight would where they spend so much time fighting each other that something happens to the tennis court like it is replaced by a badminton court or something.

this is honestly the ideal scenario for me

it would be comical if he never intends this to be a game and just tells the entire story through trailers until like 2030

We saw gameplay!

Don’t worry, the fetus in Norman Reedus’ throat gave us the thumbs up, so everything should be fine.

My theory is that the further east you go in Martin’s world, the further back in time you go in the history of modern fantasy literature. Westeros is basically post-Tolkien/D&D epic fantasy, all castles and knights. But Essos is more like Fritz Leiber or Robert Howard-type sword and sorcery, and by the time you get to

I thought the trailer looked ok, can’t say I’m jumping with excitement like others.