
As much as I am okay with Sir Patrick having a big voice towards Picard’s new frontier, and knowing that he’s been an advocate for the Captain being more of an action guy who gets the ladies (hence Captain’s Holiday being a thing), I hope it leads to more of this:

Suddenly, sickened by what he has witnessed, Chef Worf bursts forth from the kitchen and proclaims “Today IS a good day for (pizza) PIE!”

Episode 4: Admiral Data visits Picard in Brooklyn. At a local pizza joint Picard spends 40 minutes explaining the proper slice folding technique. Riker shows up and uses a knife and fork.

Ronald D. Moore and Ira Behr have a great story that when they were introduced to Patrick Stewart as new writers on TNG Season 3, Stewart greeted them enthusiastically and said he wanted to see Picard doing more “fighting and f*****g,” which directly led Behr to write Captain’s Holiday (and informed Moore’s rewrite of

I think it’s pretty much impossible to be like that again. Much in the way there will never be another Muhammad Ali. It’s not so much the men themselves as the times have changed. There’s more competition for the attention of the average person.

Lebron is big but it is an open question if he’s Jordan 1996 big. Regardless he is more then enough of a star to headline a film.

“Yo, freeze all motor functions, bitch!”

Man in Black: What is that you’re looking for?

It’s just preparing for the midterms.

FBI jurisdiction would only investigate issues domestically. Someone at the facility could have been discovered as a spy.... but it doesn’t seem like a solar research facility would yield much useful intel. My bet would be on a bomb threat or other issue relating to building safety that was construed as "domestic

“We need a linguist,  an explosives expert, and a really good sushi chef...”

On the bright side, it could be they spotted a planet killer asteroid on a collision course with the planet.

I want to believe as well, but more likely, it’s spotted some sort of satellite array that N.Korea, China, or some other country that’s a threat to U.S. power., and so the FBI sticking their nose in seems to be the right thing to do.

Emmerich is one of those ‘90s directors you can never imagine reading a book without a lot of pictures in it. (I think Devlin was the main reason why Stargate and ID4 were passably dumb fun.) I don’t know which project I was more relieved to hear had died, his Foundation or Joseph Kahn’s Neuromancer.

You guys just have a giant wheel full of the names of creatives and networks that you spin every 8 months so you can publish a “Foundation is being made by...” story, don’t you?

Fair points all, but that doesn’t excuse crap like “Ancient Aliens”.

Remember when History Channel was actually about history? Pepperidge Farm remembers.