
Daughterfucker actually

This MF.

I often see white parents with obviously adopted black children, I’d call the police but they’d probably arrest the kids.

I wasn’t even going to open that can of worms!

You’ve missed the real reason for the ice-cold serves that macros demand- it also anathematizes the taste buds meaning that they can get away will cheaper grain bills and fewer hops.

I can see a book like this getting really weird just because of online personas and screen names. “And lo, FuzzyWang’s battleship, the Crotch Rocker was shot down in the war over the third sector.”

Episode Tree

Can’t wait to see what horror Arbor Day brings!

ScarJo In The Shell pretty much proved that.

So is it animated or live action? The release on the DC website didn’t say but you guys seem to be leaning toward live action.

The Shape Of Swamp Water

It’s a pretty cool video but it’ll never convince me a Hollywood version will be worth a green fart.

That’s a poem!

I thought this was a parody until I looked at your other comments.

Too easy...

*Steals “chalkasian

True story: Every Saturday I would wake up and take her to this magic and game shop that was in a huge house in the middle of the city. They would play Pokemon all day. (To be fair, many of them were playing Magic, The Gathering).

11. Parmesan pastry pups

Naw, that’s my beloved Vietnamese ca phe sua da, which is really strong coffee with about half again as much sweetened condensed milk. So bad for me. So good. I don’t feel fully human on a weekend morning until I’ve had a few slugs.

My personal coffee of worship, as opposed to convenience, is Vietnamese.