
i get protesting blizzard because of hong kong, but lets say i want to get china rep. Will i get china rep if i reinstall wow and play it? i’m not very old and i imagine before i die china will rule the world. if i learn rudimentary mandarin, reup wow, and buy league of legends cards will they spare me in august of

I think this is spot on, otherwise you get into situations where trolls can exploit the issue like here. Black Face was often done poorly and had a goal to demonize a group (as would yellow face, buck teeth etc).

Cosplay for ages had one rule, do not do black face, I for one can see a clear line where its not

While Livanart is dressed as a black character with black skin, she hasn’t applied make-up or paint; her transformation into Pyke is achieved through the wearing of a prosthetic suit. Critics see this as a loophole, and that the same intent as blackface—to alter your skin colour to match that of a black person, a

She’s treating it as a costume, to look like a fictional character she likes as accurate as possible, not to mock people of a race or do a goddamn minstrel show, this is all so incredibly dumb...

It may be an unpopular opinion, but I see it as a controversy in US, Europe should not live with American baggage. Likewise, this wasn’t trying to be disparaging. People shouldn’t impose their own insecure views onto other countries - or you know, you shouldn’t do anything to shame the great people’s republic of china

“The specific views expressed by blitzchung were NOT a factor in the decision we made,” wrote Brack. “I want to be clear: our relationships in China had no influence on our decision...”

File sharing sites often have them.

I don’t disagree with that though.

They most certainly have that right.

Whilst I agree with the sentiment that this decision is likely backed by the need to continue generating good business prospects with China, the hypocrisy from some people here is astounding.

One thing I don’t like about their service is how first party titles are removed  or rotated. Unlike Microsoft’s approach where you get to access all the first party titles, all the time and the library keeps on growing.

And herein lies the problem with hanging impeachment on only this event: It requires an explainer. It’s inscrutable and complicated and obtuse, which means most people won’t bother to try to understand it (much as most people tuned out the details of the Mueller investigation), and guarantees it won’t stick with much

That is actually my point.

I literally disagree with everything about this tactic. By not asking children to develop the skills necessary to analyze their own emotional state and communicate the root causes effectively seems like hindering their emotional intelligence.

I honestly don’t understand how, every week, this feature has so much negativity and anger in the comments.

For fuck’s sake, just give me a single-player add-on worth buying outright. This live service stuff is getting exhausting.

Bit on the nose for someone associated with the “bazillion-ty guns” game, no?

.......can we ban him for being over the age of 12 and saying “suck my pee-pee” instead? There’s like 100 different words that you could use in that place, ranging from the explicit (“cock”) to the euphemistic (“dong”) to the comedic (“pride and accomplishment”), and you go with the phrasing used by 10 year olds that

The less self-referential Penny Arcade strip this week:

Here’s a list of meaningful changes that aren’t being proposed that would actually have an impact, unlike what the gun control crowd routinely suggests: