
I’m mildly concerned that Anthem’s failures and Apex’s success is going to result in even less transparency in the industry. By the developer’s own admission, Apex was released with no announcements because they were going to have loot boxes and they didn’t want backlash. It’s a risk that paid off big time.

This is a 6.5/10 show that bumped up to a 7.5/10 simply by the music choices that were made.  Music matters!

Yo Jay-Shry, what’re the chances we get some of your fancy behind-the-scenes investigative voo-doo on some “what the crap happened with FO76" piece?

Probably not.  But it should.

As you said, by his own account CD Projekt Red OFFERED him a % of the profits (which is insane, most companies would never do this). HE’s the one that turned THEM down.

Nope was just about to write the same thing...

How’s your nutrition/hydration pre-run?

Fans? I just assumed most people that play PUBG are like me...they do so begrudgingly awaiting a better BR to be released.

I don’t get it. Zelda already is the hero. The dude in the green hood is Zelda.

I’ve tried twice but I just can’t get into this one. I think it’s that I’m just not interested in the main character(s) (plural if you count Layla in the present day).

Origins and Watch Dogs 2 both suffer from the same-ish problem. At a medium distance the foliage just looks blurry. I eventually became so annoyed with both games that I just gave up. It’s weird... I actually feel that Far Cry Primal is a prettier game than both of those newer titles.

Most research suggests that Serotonin has the central role in ejaculation. That is one reason why SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake inhibitors) can have an negative effect on ejaculation in some people. SSRIs effectively increase serotonin in your body and as a result can prolong or inhibit ejaculation.

There are TONS of prescription drugs that won’t “kill someone if they don’t need it.” Marijuana, when prescribed for medical use, is VERY much a prescription drug. There are many potential adverse reactions to it, especially if someone has preexisting psychological symptoms.

I REALLY wish I had the patience for turn-based games these days...


What I see is that EA faced one of the biggest gaming PR shitstorms in the past 5-10 years and it ONLY affected sales by ~10%.

So this isn’t coming to the PC version? Or they just haven’t announced anything about it yet?

This is the EXACT formula of the original Fortnite PVE, no?

This is a fallacy. How other people spend their money DOES affect me personally.