The Girl who waited lost her key

The juxtaposition between Trump, on screen right swaying like he’s carrying a load and over-exaggerating all of his mouth anus movements to the couple parts of the song he knows, with the man on screen left who is statuest and in salute while BARELY moving his lips in order to recite his sacred anthem with the highest

My mother was an Orthopedic Nurse for 40 years. These are the people that take care of you when your body is spindled and mutilated. She saw a lot of stuff.
One of her biggest points of anger are people who say Marriage is “just a piece of paper”. Sure, but all your legal rights are written on pieces of paper. They

Also is he talking during the anthem? He barely has his hand over his heart. Looks like he’s touching the center of his chest with his fingertips. He’s not being attentive at all.

I got no words. Maybe this.


Wouldn’t that just make them MORE thirsty?

So true. See also Ken Burns’ 6 hour documentary “Prohibition.” It lays out how that movement - over sixty years- tapped into every raw nerve from domestic violence and women’s suffrage on the left, to religious fervor, xenophobia and antisemitism/anti-Catholicism on the right.

“The American heartland” always seems to mean unsophisticated red state WASPs. I really don’t care if I hear another word from them. We know who they are from whom they’ve voted into office (and stand by); and only courtesy of an outdated system, they are wildly overrepresented in congress and the electoral college,

Wow. Brad must have really done something awful on that plane. His paranoia lies in public scrutiny but not the divorce or custody. Way to play it smooth, buddy!

I am white, and live in MN. I’m also very introverted and don’t really socialize with/meet a whole lot of people.

They dont have a big enough audience to even factor in the equation for these rubes.  Remember, keep your people dumb and ignorant.  Tell hem college is bad as your leaders all go to Ivy league schools.  control

You could easily live your entire life in this country without meeting a single person who believes anything like that.

Does the guy she’s wed to actually have a face, though? Like, is he just a body with a blank dressmaker’s dummy head on top? 

Her body language is screaming, “He’s not Sean Penn!”

If the ceremony didn’t begin with:

Seriously, I am both pro-laws and anti-fascism. Yet, oddly, I don’t believe I’m either “antifa” nor “rule of law”. Imagine that.

Whats the gag there is the gun fetishism comes with a side of "defending yourself against a tyrannical government," yet they don't seem to understand that the bloated, gun and tank heavy military would be the ones defending said government. Your half dozen AR-15s and your subscriptions to Guns and Ammo and Soldier of

What do you mean, “today”?

This is way better than restricting access to weapons that are made in order to inflict mass casualties.

Okay, fine.  Train my kid.