Pssst. Rubio. Scott. Spanky. The louder you guys yap about the Florida recount, the more guilty it makes you look. This has been a public service announcement.
Well, -EVERY BERNIE BRO- knows it’s all about class, not race.
Oddly enough, a Toyota Rav4 Hybrid pulled up in my driveway yesterday the same and my daughter and I were coming back from getting boba. I had no idea who it was, but my first reaction was not to shoot them in the face. Apparently, Amazon is now using random people to drop off packages now.
I always wonder about the mindset of people who feel they need to carry a gun everywhere. Do they live in a more violent world than I do? I’m guessing they’re just like the old white people on nextdoor who post urgent alerts because someone driving slow down the street is obviously casing the place and isn’t a…
You’re missing the context. She ran on not taking any corporate PAC money. This exposes how bought our politicians are. If she were taking money from lobbying groups/corporate PAC’s , she wouldn’t have this problem because they would have set up a place for her to move in the day after the election and a job for her…
At some point in her life, Michelle made the decision to be a kind, decent person despite the struggles that she may have faced. She has managed to become extremely successful without sacrificing personal integrity and without actively screwing over other people.
Just when you think you can’t love this incredible woman any more.
Colell never filed charges because she says, she was told by the school to “to accept an apology to not ruin his future in the Marine Corps.”
This is just a game to these media pundits. Just a fun game that they get to play while they’re at work. Gaslighting idiots into believing the propaganda that they’re selling.
As a Californian, Florida is very stressful to me, currently, as well. Christawmighty, it’s the Hanging Chad Massacree all over again.
No I saw it he karate chopped her arm and broke all of her arms and now she’s in critical condition thoughts and prayers
Separating children from their families, putting them in prison, and then causing emotional damage to them that will last a lifetime after months in a controlled environment that they can’t contextualize or explain, with several recorded molestations: Okay.
I was just ruminating on this today, wondering, “Am i a bad/hateful person?” and I wholeheartedly agree with this take. While it’s true that I don’t think you should harass public figures at their homes, when people are demonstrably monstrous... what the hell, why not? Why should they get to skate by, peddling their…
The Holocaust exhibit at the Imperial War Museum in London is one of the greatest museum exhibits I’ve ever experienced. It starts with a long hallway detailing the history of anti-Semitism in Europe, slowly sharpening focus down to Germany between the wars. As you go along, reading each new law enacted by the Nazis,…
I know that this is par for the course with this administration - I’m thinking of the doctored Putin summit footage and transcript - but it’s so blatant! It’s the age of the internet for Christ sake. The receipts are everywhere.
Yeah. This shit is ridiculous and offensive on so many levels. No, dude, I’ve never been accused of holding someone down, covering their mouth, and groping them. Fucking disgusting.
Man here. Have never worried about my career being destroyed by a rape allegation. Apparently, it’s common for Republicans though.
“If somebody can be brought down by accusations like this, then you, me, every man certainly should be worried. We can all be accused of something.”