If you want to know how someone you’re dating will treat you in the future, watch how they treat the restaurant staff.
If you want to know how someone you’re dating will treat you in the future, watch how they treat the restaurant staff.
Saw one in the Costco parking lot yesterday. They look so much worse in person.
Why am I not surprised that ex-LAPD’s first response is to threaten violence.
You nonchalantly slipped “salvage title” in that description hoping we wouldn’t notice, didn’t you?
What you want and what Porsche wants, are two completely different things.
I guess more money than brains makes it possible.
Came here to ask the same question. At this point I can’t imagine any normal carrier would touch him with a million-foot pole. But what do I know?
I like how he "lets her clean the seats."
This is pure genius. Also, “stereo tapes” and “synchromesh” are gold.
So, how long do those $100k brake rotors and $5k brake pads last? In everyday driving? 25k, 50k, 100k miles? I’m trying to position myself to bid on Paris Hilton’s M-B when she decides there isn’t any room for baby seats in hers. I’m also bracketing my wife allowing me a few dollars so I can buy powerball tickets in…
Two parties in the wrong you say?
Ted Cruz: the conniving scumbag who will say anything if it keeps him in power. Being a complete hypocrite, a two-faced liar: not a problem. Here’s a politician who would rail against the Ivy League to his ignorant cracker audiences when he’s an Ivy League grad. A man who had a brief moment warning about Donald The…
Imagine being that kid, who is presumably now in their 30s -40s, just stumbling upon this video as it pops up on social media and finding out your mom was upset and disappointed that she couldn’t drink and drive anymore and had to wear a seat belt.
This gen-xer would rather have a gold Delorean.
Ha! Let’s kneecap the one thing (Superchargers) that set Tesla apart from anyone else at this point.
They don’t actually believe this shit, they just bought into legal snake-oil from some guy running videos adjacent to stuff like Prager U, and they think they can take advantage of a “loophole” in the system where one doesn’t really exist. These people then purchase prepper packs, fake license plates, Iraqi Dinar, and…
Car thief doesn’t automatically mean armed and dangerous either.
Don’t forget: 1) right-leaning, wealthy Orange County, CA 2) Huntington Beach, the most MAGA town of the OC.
Exactly. Always considered “armed and dangerous”. Shoot now, ask for immunity later.