The Ghost of James Madison's Rage Boner

Most of us had the Hot Wheels version at once point. 

Funny how people used to think Silicon Valley and Big Tech were liberal.

Drones are technically unmanned aircraft, so I’m guessing he crashed his own drone 44 times last month. 

So we don’t hate cruise ships anymore?

One day you will need a special proprietary BMW tool to activate your turn signal, and BMW owners everywhere will rejoice. 

For anyone wondering what the Mach cutoff is:

I mean, one can hope, but going for >$1M at Amelia Island doesn’t bode well, not when they’ve been driven maybe 1000 miles a year so far and probably far less than that over the last 20 years.

It’s just not the same without the FUCK TOMB

The sad thing is that these cars that were meant to rip up the Autobahn will just go back on the trailer and into someone’s collection, never being driven until the owner sells them to someone else.

Six out of those nine marked-up 4Runners at Claremont Toyota are marked “Sale Pending” even though several are still being built, so clearly this is what the market will bear at the moment.

I suppose if you think you can move 100,000 stolen eggs, you’ve probably got a few thousand random cartons sitting around. 

Yeah, they do not look good. I considered an EQE briefly when I was replacing my Model 3, but the whole MB EV line leaves me cold. The front end is so smooshed that it ruins the lines of the entire car, which aren’t that great to begin with. I ended up going with an i5, which looks infinitely better. 

No one steals 8,000+ cartons of eggs to give them away. No one steals 8,000+ cartons of organic eggs, period, unless they know they have a way to sell them. Whoever did this owns a chicken farm or another egg distribution business and intends to swap the eggs into their own packaging.

Here’s the video.

I appreciate your calling out the Turbo Esprit, which is my personal favorite.

Took me a moment

The BMW purple is just gorgeous in person. 

The article doesn’t mention it, but as a former Tesla owner, I find BMW’s Assist Plus system a lot more user friendly and reliable. It does hands-free highway driving just fine, while doing just enough to keep you engaged. When it wants to change lanes, it makes you glance over your shoulder first. It’s careful and

The Trump DOJ just sent out a memo stating they will be investigating anyone who refuses to buy a Tesla for possible prosecution and deportation.

Gen X checking in.