I have a 2016 e-Golf with about 45k miles. It’s never been in the shop and still has its original brakes. It’s a great, fun city car if you have reasonable commute, and a great car for teenagers (mine took it over when I got a Model 3).
I have a 2016 e-Golf with about 45k miles. It’s never been in the shop and still has its original brakes. It’s a great, fun city car if you have reasonable commute, and a great car for teenagers (mine took it over when I got a Model 3).
It’s amazing how the leaders of MAGA know how insanely stupid their base is, and how shamelessly they pander to and intentionally foster that ignorance.
I hadn’t actually watched the video when I posted that, and now that I have, I’m astounded that $10k covered labor, parts, and shop overhead and profit for a job like that. Labor must be much cheaper in China, but those parts and specialized tools are still significant costs.
I still see a few of these on the road from time to time, and it makes me sad. Imagine being that far underwater with such a lemon.
Peak redneck? Dunno, but this seems like it would make ice fishing a lot more fun.
It’s too bad we don’t have these kinds of shops here in the states. It might make owning a W12 less scary.
I don’t know, and that’s how I like it. Give me German technocrats over 4chan edgelords any day.
Some of you may be old enough to remember a period in the early 90s when 900 numbers were a thing. You would call a number to get information or chat with people or enter a contest and automatically be billed to your phone number. This was also the time after the fall of the Soviet Union when Russia began talking…
I’m about to get rid of mine. Carmax can have it.
44,260 is a about 44,000 more than I would have expected given the negative press they’ve gotten.
No, no, no. This thing has been rotting at that pier for 30 years, and she was gutted to the ribs in the 1990s to remove all the asbestos. Refurbishing it would probably cost twice as much as a greenfield project with the same specs.
The CA DMV has gotten worlds better now they’ve moved most of their stuff online. If you know what you’re doing and plan properly, visits are almost effortless, and the staff are courteous and helpful because you’ve made their jobs easier.
Lowering an already modified luxobarge like this is an automatic ND. God knows how it’s been driven.
Or poses it in front of a razor wire fence and a bunch of dead weeds.
The thing about the cost cap, though, is that the high end of the market is glutted with unsold 2024 models right now, such that the manufacturers are throwing insane incentives at anyone who might be considering one.
What are the odds that China has a full set of blueprints for the X-37B?
BlueAnon has been a thing for a while, but it’s far smaller, somewhat less deranged, and certainly less violent than the Q crowd. These are the same folks who think Trump staged the assassination attempts, among other things. So far, at least, it’s just angry people sharing memes on Twitter.
Good thing for those red states that Trump wants to cancel all of Biden’s infrastructure and claw the money back to give to Putin and Musk.
I have a Model 3, and what’s even more fun about the manual door release is that if you use it, the car will complain you could break the window because the manual lever doesn’t lower it an inch or so like the electronic release does.
It was the zoomers this time, not the boomers.