asking the real questions. But cmon we all know its HP.
asking the real questions. But cmon we all know its HP.
Ok, so where is this fuck tomb and how do I become a member?
Sad white folks bitching about the halftime show, but just totally ignoring the savage murder of the Chiefs on live tv
The things just do not look good. They aren’t offensive, but when you stand next to a Lucid and a Taycan, why would you choose an EQS? Then you have Tesla which the Model S still looks good, is cheaper, and faster, with a better charging network. EVs have levelled the playing field to where these companies need to be…
They are going to be sold through shell companies.
Thankfully our government is worried about immigrants and trans people, so we can lose our shit to China in yet another technology race.
Yes, please rush these planes out without any quality control checks.
wait, wait. Hear me out.
Let’s say we let them rush the planes with the help of Musk. What’s the worst that can happen? Since we know what is Boeing quality control these days....
Collatoral personnel damange is a problem, but the thought of Trump and Musk flying together on a hastily assembled aircraft.... I mean, I see some upside potential.
Having worked with the Innocence Project in the past - you can question nearly all forensic ‘science’. Either the science done i.e. how the evidence was collected, stored, moved. Or that the science is even a fact.
A lot of the forensic “sciences” boil down to some dude’s Mark 1 eyeball. Forensic firearms examination (along with other tool mark comparisons) is sketch as well.
Just sing the Horst Wessel song to them and you will be having beer and pretzels together in no time.
Yes, I believe that the tariffs always have an option for an importer to appeal, asserting that what they are importing is “too critical” to be so encumbered. So importers can simply go suck up/bribe the Trump administration to open up a loophole for them.
“The rationale seems to be that importers will switch to domestic suppliers, which will cut prices because the imports are more expensive”
it too reminded me of the old mechanical mouse and ball, and all the times it needed cleaning...
Agreed. New England is full of Tesla Model Y but definitely way way less Model 3s. Absolutely can be had for under $25k used, especially just normal AWD trim. I daily a 2018 Model 3 with 18" OEM wheels and snow tires and live an hour away from the question-asker and can vouch it is regionally appropriate. (Photo from…