The Ghost of James Madison's Rage Boner

The amount of outright lying exposed by cops since the invention of the bodycam is truly startling. They know they are being recorded, and yet still lie constantly and commit crimes, to the point that basically anything before, say 2010 or thereabouts, we should assume all the cops lied all the time, about everything.

Stop trying to apply logic to Trumpism.  They’re mutually exclusive terms.

The real question is, will the Chrysler brands get bailed out by the US government for only making cars that they wanted to build...again?

Your tax dollars at work, ladies and gentlemen!

I’m pretty sure a 15-year-old with TikTok brain would have done far better than this haha

I hate to break it to everyone who’s drooling over this, but erhh... A 16 kWh battery pack from a Volt is never going to be able to supply 400 kW of power to the motor.

Brought a trailer to Bring a Trailer.

Did you notice how many made up stories you saw from liberal lawmakers about how the Appalachian hurricane disaster probably did more good than harm and probably set those inbred hilljack moonshinin’ confederates back in their places? Or how Biden took the opportunity to talk shit about his political enemies in the

Yeah, I recently had the power line for that installed in my garage as well, so I’m primed and ready.  

I’ve seen a lot of these too, as I work on pivoting toward EV ownership, and I do keep wondering why such low-mileage newish cars were returned.  My fear is lemons, but I think you’re probably (hopefully) right about that.

Is it possible that Stellantis will ever get back into the business of making cars that people actually want to buy?

Gotta be that they discovered that an EV didnt work for them or something.  

Have you ever seen how bad traffic can get on an airport loop going by different terminals of car pulling in and out of traffic? Sometimes just stopping right in the ongoing traffic lane because it’s too busy?

What a great idea to have cars behind them (going 150 mph) to be passing stopped cars unloading humans in both directions.  Did they budget for a metric fuckton of first-aid kits and bodybags (more the latter than former)?

Not if they want to keep the actual tunneling as cheap as they claim.

The Musk fanboys will talk all day about what a genius Musk is because he can dig holes cheaper than anyone, but you will find that they will be very light on real facts. That’s because there is absolutely nothing special Musk did. His Boring Company bought one or more existing used tunnel diggers and just dug a hole.

There seems to be so much wrong with that Vegas Loop system.

This is what people keep forgetting. Any time Trump doesn’t like the news cycle he says something outrageous and changes the discussion. It kills me that no one can ever avoid reacting to the latest shiny thing that he holds up, especially the media. It’s truly Trump’s only real skill, but he wields it brilliantly.

He never GAF about his base.  He quite literally hates his base.  Poor, poorly educated.  He has openly stated how much he hates his events look like carnivals.

I have iDrive 8 and absolutely love it. Best infotainment system I’ve ever used.

In fact, I don’t want to limit it to just he word “infotainment”. The entire technology package in my car is beautifully done. I have very, very little complaints, and the ones I have are trivial, at best.

My car has physical buttons for