The Ghost of James Madison's Rage Boner

I would have agreed until he invoked the base CO.

Yeah, but he’s also in the AF and there’s a possibility this could result in a letter of reprimand going into his file as a departure from good military bearing/professionalism.

In a normal company, a CEO who presides over a 50% decline in share price, especially one that can be linked to his erratic behavior, would be long gone. I think investors are realizing that’s not going to happen here. 

Came here to say this. It looks pretty good.

It’s almost as if the car selling business seems to attract scammers like Dan. 

It sounds as if they replaced the entire drivetrain, and little or nothing forward of the firewall is still stock. Would the Blazer’s ABS system even work here?

I mean it’s an obvious death trap but I don’t hate it. 

The conversation after the BJ/whatever when he realized they were stuck in his cruiser must have been interesting. 

What was the plan here? Was he just going to turn her loose after the sex? After he’d taken her away from the scene in his vehicle? How did he think he would explain that?

thumb drives with k-pop music and South Korean media

It took the SD an entire year to figure out what they were doing? When all it took to break the case was a VIN mismatch?

The top deck is 196 feet above the waterline. He’s lucky he even survived the impact with the ocean.

I’ve gone on several cruises, and yeah, it would be very hard to do accidentally. It would have taken some deliberate goofing off and likely alcohol as well.

I really wanted the alligator.

Seriously, all the guys complaining about Tesla need to jump into a time machine to the early 70s, before Detroit had to worry about Japanese competition.

It looks like they just microwaved a stock Countach until it started melting.

Oh, we’ve got lots of them, unfortunately. I see those dumb fake license plates with some regularity around San Diego. 

To be perfectly honest, I see a better than even chance this court eventually rules that you can’t keep guns off airplanes because people carried them on trains and stagecoaches at one time. 

They are just so breathtakingly ugly, like a bad AI rendering of “a futuristic pickup truck.” It’s impossible to appreciate until you see one in person.

That’s the one I was reaching for.