The Ghost of James Madison's Rage Boner

The truest assessment of character is how someone treats people he views as beneath him.

This car is a red-headed Vegas stripper named Tiffany promising you the night of your life after a visit to the nearest wedding chapel. It might work out, but do you take the risk?

Anything other than OEM tires and the Ferrari purists will scream like you covered it in stick-on body panels from Pep Boys.

That was a good video - no pointless music, no dude-bro narration, just engine noises.

How does this guy have auto insurance?

Boy, wait until Colin gets a look at the car ads from the 70s.

If the rotors are no longer being manufactured, that means they have to be custom fabricated. They are probably being made by some boutique shop in Germany. As you might imagine, this is not a simple process. Here’s how one UK racing shop describes it.

I am selling the car to go shopping for flooded hypercars in Dubai

It looks like a teenage Mustang knocked up his Charger girlfriend. 

I remember when they were making these, and distinctly recall that Ferrari was very unhappy about them and made Koenig remove all the Ferrari logos. I suspect if the owner put them back on at some point.

I’m old enough to remember this time, and yes the reactions were like this. I remember reading a letter to the editor from some dude complaining that he could no longer stop on the way home from work and pick up a six-pack to drink during his commute.

Couple of thoughts:

Yeah, once I realized “black guy” and “Orange County” this all made perfect sense. 

A dozen cops for one stolen ca . . . Oh.

In fairness, this thing is decommissioned and no longer has any military value. It’s privately owned, so at worst he’s probably only looking at a trespassing charge. Still not something I’d do in China, though.

Much of the decline in EV sales can be pinned on changes to the tax credit system, which used to be fairly clear and is now opaque. That in turn can be pinned largely on Joe Manchin.

It’s had two engine rebuilds, so it’s been taken care of, but, yeah. This is not a car for those of shallow pockets. 

What are you suggesting??? It’s my God-given right as an American to take the law into my own hands whenever I feel like it!

It could go for $20,000 I bet.