The Ghost of James Madison's Rage Boner

I have read several places that this is a coordinated strategy to show Jordan losing support. There are apparently a lot more than 20 who don’t want him, but some are voting for him in the first few rounds to make it look like he has more support than he really does. With every vote, a few more are switching over to

I’m going to take a WAG and assume the lack of ghostwriter and editor was an attempt by her publisher to limit expenses and thus potential losses from this effort to cash in before people forget who she is.

I don’t think this would be possible with a U.S. passport anyway.

The bullying is absolutely backfiring. You don’t lose votes when that stuff is working. The three reps from Texas are apparently getting threatened by the nutcases in the TXGOP as well, and all three dug in their heels.

The NFL is absolutely cynical enough to be faking this entire thing.

Yeah, and the serious ones like a group I will not name that is popular with celebrities have members who are trained to identify and “handle” wealthy new recruits and convince them to donate as much as they can possibly siphon out of them.

The problem is not so much the equivalent draw as where you put something like that. If you assume there are four 1-MW stations, there are not a lot of places on the average local grid where you can just drop a 4-MW load. 

They need to ask the North Mauldin Icelandic Saga Society for help. 

I believe she has a network of donors, and often with cults like this, you have a few well-heeled members who have emptied their savings to support the leader.

EVs don’t have cats, just sayin’.

That is both terrifying and hilarious. He just got in line and started gathering food? How did think he was paying for it?

“He said there was a 5% chance he might be president someday,”

Hester Prynne suffered in silence and exemplified quiet dignity in the face of injustice. I can’t think of less-appropriate metaphor for Mace.

Now playing

I’m the first one here, so I guess I have to do it.

These kind of gaslighting and disinformation tactics only work on issues where voters are poorly informed and haven’t solidified their opinions. The problem for the right wing here is that it would be difficult to find an issue on which voter opinion is more hardened than abortion. The number of people who might be

Buchanan holds the title for most feckless/ineffectual president, but in terms of active malfeasance, he’s a ways down the list.

Well, the gray comments on this one will be entertaining. 

Ugh, sorry to hear that. Glad it turned out well.

If McCarthy had cut any kind of deal with Jefferies to keep his job, he would have been done. He clearly saw that, I don’t know why anyone else can’t.

Ugh, this hit me. My kid (the one in the OP) was an escape artist too. We got to calling him “the monkey” because he could climb things you would think no toddler could manage.