It’s here:
It’s here:
Right - it’s that dread, that point when you cross over from “Oh, where the hell did he go this time?” to staring the possibility of serious harm right in the face.
This will probably not read as too scary, but it scared the absolute shit out of me at the time.
She’s highly unlikely to run for the seat. The ’24 race will be between Porter and Schiff (no GOP candidate stands a chance of coming in second in the primary and thus getting a spot on the general ballot).
Seems like the forum link is dead. It was from 2008 so this isn’t surprising.
This reminds me of that story a decade or more back when some guy got into a dispute with the parking firm hired by his HOA after he moved his booted car into his garage. The parking company retaliated by booting half the cars parked around the development for things like being parked half an inch over the line.
The shutdown is happening not because the Dems and Republicans can’t agree but because the GOP can’t agree amongst themselves what to fight with the Dems about. That’s not a good look.
I’m all for the presumption of innocence, but they found almost half a million dollars in cash in his house. There’s simply no innocent explanation for a US senator to have that much cash hidden in his closet.
And let’s not even get started on South Dakota.
I’m guessing a serious rear-end impact, the owner deciding to just cut the damaged portion off, and [underpants gnomes] continue driving it.
Open carry + open belligerence is a toxic combination.
I have been to so many theater productions in my life (my kid was a serious actor from his tweens), and I have never seen anyone get tossed. I’ve never even seen anyone behave like Bobert did.
Scott is probably just ace/aro, whether or not it has anything to do with childhood trauma. If he really had an account on Grindr or something like that, it would have come out by now.
Every time a Republican opens their mouth on this issue, they insist “pro-choice” means “elective abortion up to and after birth.” But they want nuance on their side?
The degree to which society has normalized the “well, the cops obviously lied about the shooting, but it’s not that big a deal, let’s focus on what happened here” attitude is really amazing.
When did “public urination” require backup from multiple officers?
The constitutional argument for it is pretty weak. Interstate travel is a fundamental right, and prosecuting the purely in-state portion of it is absolutely a burden on that right. Alabama could not prosecute citizens going to Nevada to gamble or visit a brothel, and it can’t prosecute people getting an abortion…
I refuse to watch this because of the ptsd from the cooling systems in my long-since-retired E30 and E39.
Yet he’s going to turn right around and vote to overturn the buffer zone case without a trace of irony.