The Ghost of James Madison's Rage Boner

Did you need a sarcasm tag? Okay, here it is.

“Parental rights,” y’all!

Look, Scott is a good-looking, successful, educated man. There is not exactly a shortage of conservative Christian Black women in the South who would view him as an acceptable husband. There are also plenty of white women who would marry him.

Don’t look too hard for moral consistency from that crowd. Hypocrisy is actually viewed as a virtue by many of them.

He has to pick someone from a list the state GOP gives him.

If Putin were to truly retire and cede power to someone else so he could float around on his yacht, what do you imagine his life expectancy would be?

Then have the nominee change their name lol

Get the person he wants to register as a Republican, appoint them, then they change party. Wouldn’t be a damn thing they could do once the person was seated. After that, the Senate decides.

As a delinquent teen, I suspect he was doing things like shooting the neighbor’s dog with a BB gun.

My company does manufacturing at micron scale, and the costs to achieve what he’s talking about on a mass-produced vehicle would be insane. Musk is nuts.  

I guess I’m more surprised no one has tried to build a fishing hut on one of these.

An awful lot of the kids at Liberty, Hillsdale, and similar schools are there because they came from very conservative Christian families who didn’t actually give them any choice in the matter.

That was my first thought. Make it look like there’s a ton of interest to generate interest. 

It’s one of those businesses where the penalties for being dishonest are generally far less than the potential rewards. These guys will likely never see the inside of a prison cell. They’ll negotiate a plea deal, pay some restitution, and be back at it within a year. Even if they’re technically barred from being

LOL the GOP base is never going to turn out for a guy named “Vivek Ramaswamy.” Nikki Haley changed her name for a reason.

Part of the reason things are coming back is because the GOP has been focused on Hunter Biden instead of doing everything they could to tank the economy like they did to Obama after 2010.

Honestly, what is left to “explain”? Everyone understands what abortion is. Singing “Life begins at conception” in a different key isn’t going to change any minds, and the hard-line pro-life crowd has consistently fought any attempts to moderate the official GOP position.

It was up and down both ways, with a slight elevation change. That surely had something to do with, but the difference was still striking. 

I don’t think this is exclusive to Tesla. BEV range estimates are tricky because the drain on the battery can change rapidly depending on the terrain and traffic, etc.

Their undergraduate enrollment is under 700. It’s a tiny school. So roughly 5% of the student body is taking that course.