The Ghost of James Madison's Rage Boner

This is a small price to pay for keeping the Texas grid separated from all the woke electricity around it!

I don’t even know what the point of this video is.

Those states are trying to get around the jurisdictional problems by criminalizing only the portion of travel that takes place within that state. I still think these laws fail because interstate travel is a right and this is a substantial burden on it. A state could not, for example, penalize its residents for

I’m not usually in the “private sector does it best” crowd because there are plenty of municipal functions that the private sector is terrible at.

Edit: NTA there


We should not fool ourselves into thinking Republicans will respect this result. They are certainly plotting their next move to stop the November measure, and even if that passes, the legislature is certain to look for ways to kneecap it. The same thing has happened repeatedly in other states.

Didn’t he knock her up while he was dating someone else?

Here’s the NPS release:

Ironically, a liberal black woman appointed by Obama is the ideal judge for Trump’s fundraising purposes and Fox viewership. The mileage they’ll get out of her will last them for years. 

Of course they are, but it won’t go anywhere unless she does something really dumb. 

2.5 years is fairly normal for an investigation of this scope.

But that $5M could have gone to buy the CEO a new boat.

I’ve seen Finns and Swedes but your point stands.

Yeah, we’ve discussed that very point on previous posts about this boat. You’d need to be very careful where you took it, because docking in any country friendly with Russia would likely result in a swift seizure. If Schmidt closes this sale, you can expect that Guryeva will get herself a Russian court order giving

This is a trend that really needs to die. Sooner or later, an incident like this is going to spill out of control. It’s happened before. 

It’s not fraud or tampering, per se. What they’re trying to do here is change the rules mid-game to win, and if they can’t do that, have the officials cheat on their behalf. Since the GOP runs Missouri, those officials are colluding with them to the extent they can get away with. 

Given that you can subscribe for $200/mo, I don’t know why you would purchase this. I’m not saying it’s worth even that much, but this seems like a no-brainer given the issues FSD has had.

Project Veritas showed that these tactics work and that their audience doesn’t care.