The Ghost of James Madison's Rage Boner

Someone clearly destroyed one of his horcruxes.

70 months in prison for sexually abusing incarcerated women

They’re really telling on themselves, aren’t they?

My kid is working at a theatre this summer and they have been absolutely slammed since Barbie came out. He’s worked like 50 hours in the last six days.

The Chevy logos started to get really obvious about halfway through, after which I couldn’t not see them.

But naked women with guns?

But-but-but-the Left can’t meme! It’s just a joke! Nazis are funny!

Even though he once seemed to be Trump’s only possible rival for the nomination, the schadenfreude of watching his “campaign” implode has been delicious.

The replies to that tweet about the sign permit are exactly the dumpster fire I expected. 

I would say these kids are acting just like kids in the US who have rich, connected parents, especially in small towns.

Pour one out tonight for all the MAGA moms who are trying to explain to their daughters why they can’t see this movie. The tears and tantrums will probably break more than a few of them.

Yeah, apparently there was a specific top-tier trim he wanted that was really hard to find. I just looked myself and there are lots of others.

It’s not just lower and middle income folks who are getting into cars they can’t afford. I see this with upper income people as well.

It helps enormously if your business model is putting buyers into loans you want them to default on. 

I mean, based on how that development is laid out, you would think it was obvious there are two big commercial parcels around the entrance, and I guarantee you there were disclosures about it in the purchase documents. But of course all those people bought their little townhomes thinking that open space would never be

I guarantee you that none of the people they interviewed have minor children. 

I don’t mean to pile on here, but okay, I’m joining the pile. This woman has been married to a sociopath for 25+ years. Who knows what kind of abuse, gaslighting, and stress she’s had to put up with over this period? But hey, let’s judge her on some off-hand remark she may not even have made upon having the truth

It’s kind of the same reason movies produced to pander to the Evangelical Christian community are usually so terrible: They function as affirmation rather than art. The politics/preaching have to be front and center, and their foundations can never be examined, let alone questioned. Especially with movies, it’s very

Was there ever a “Faith and Family Barbie”?

It’s not clear from this cast list: