The Ghost of James Madison's Rage Boner

My wife and I are going to see this on our anniversary and I am so glad to hear that it doesn’t suck, as I was concerned that it would not live up to the epic marketing blitz. 

It’s a Vegas lounge act, not the symphony. People go to shows in Vegas to take pictures of themselves.

I’m giving her some large benefit of the doubt here, but given that the fabric is so elastic, it’s conceivable that the bullets – which were likely small caliber (.22 or .25, 9mm at most) – mostly pushed their way through it rather than tearing it, so that the holes were even smaller. And as she moved around after

Perhaps, but by then private equity firms will have extracted all money from the US economy and we will have to transition to the Mad Max Model for our logistics.


No problem, those sov-cit plates are perfectly legal and allow you to avoid all taxes and red tape!

Let’s be honest, neither of these two want women in uniform in the first place. They want the white women home squeezing out babies and the rest of them working in menial service jobs.

Seriously. Our HOA experimented with allowing it at our tennis courts and the people who live around them finally threatened to sue because it was so noisy. Like, there was a sustained noise level above the legal nuisance standard for 12+ hours a day. The HOA then banned it, and the pickleball nuts are all screaming

Check out that drop on approach.

He’s wearing those sneakers! They’re not even new.

Am I reading that EQS quote right? $20k driveoff because MB requires 10 security deposits??

This is the most SF thing ever. 

Oh, FFS. People, if you see a flash flood, move away from it as fast as you can. Failed roads like that are usually not done collapsing. Water levels can rise suddenly. Even one foot of fast moving water is enough to knock you off your feet, and if you get swept away, you stand a good chance of drowning. Even if you

LOL the donation page literally has this disclaimer in the fine print:

Add the other hand, and you can probably count the number of iQ owners who know the Cygnet even exists.

Actually, they’re rare enough that if you buy real one, people will laugh and ask why you rebadged that iQ.

-The new car market is finally cooling off and EVs are generally more expensive.

The leopards are coming for your face, Kari.