Monster fuck.marry.kill
He’s just a few generations of lax-bro interbreeding away from Hapsburg jaw.
There’s clearly more money to be made in fining players who are abusive then there is in selling a purple jersey.
Yoooooo, somehow a text to my little brother about escaping the family for a few hours to see Episode VII at Christmas evolved into me buying 10 tickets for my entire immediate family and some cousins for opening night while trying not to burn my apartment down because Fandango was the devil last night. I feel you,…
Daveed Diggs is life giving and seeing him do “What Did I Miss” live was a bucket list item I didn’t know I had until it happened.
How about some love for Deborah Sampson? Spent her childhood as an indentured servant after her mother was widowed and couldn’t afford to keep 7 kids in the house. At 20, she enlisted in the Continental Army, disguised as a man to fight in the Revolutionary War. Served as a scout throughout the Revolution and was at…
hardscrabble abolitionist immigrant...Immigrants get the job done
Yessss, “Cabin in the Woods”! Just any movie where it’s not “let me run around in my bathing suit towards a noise that sounds like a chainsaw after all of my friends have been murdered. What could possibly go wrong!?!?!”, please!
The horror movies that get me really freaked out are the ones where the characters live in a universe where they are aware that bad shit can go down. I get a little crazy when they remove any sort of awareness that bad shit is possible. Like, write me a movie where you see a creepy doll and you’re like “fuck, that…
The folks on that subbreddit as so lovely and are real quick to shut someone down if the get out of line. Between there, Troll X Chromosomes and you lovely Jezzies, I have found my people online.
If you love you some Real Housewives, then the Real Housewives subbreddit is the place for you. There are some hard core fans there and live threads for pretty much every Bravo show as it airs. Consensus there is Brooks is faking, Vicki’s the worst and Heather’s porte-cochère will give meaning to all of our lives.
It is 100% worth it so see it live with the original cast if it’s at all within your power. I don’t think he gets enough love because there are just soooo many amazing actors, but Daveed Diggs’ turn asLafayette and Jefferson is everything. “What Did I Miss?” had me in tears from laughing so hard.
My favorite part of “Helpless” is when Miranda’s voice gets deep and raspy. It’s such a call back to Ja Rule when he was on every Ashanti track and I adore it.
Foster put his boyfriend in a choke hold and stated, “I want to kill you. Die dirty faggy,” the man later told police. Foster released him, then allegedly grabbed a stainless kitchen knife. As the boyfriend fled toward the stairs, Foster chased him and warned, “When you reach the fifth step, I am going to stab you.”
I’m sorry, I can hear you looooosers over the sound of my awesomeness.
But they begat us Detective Tutuola, so there is a silver lining.
On Saturday, October 10, Ansel Elgort attended the New York Rangers vs. Columbus Blue Jackets hockey game at Madison Square Garden...