
Get a grip. Harris did a great job. A lot of people have covered what a great job Harris did, including our sister sites. I decided to write about Hirono.

And now Barr’s cancelled his appearance before the House committee, supposedly because they couldn’t agree on a format for the appearance and absolutely NOT because he’s a damn lackey fool trying to defend some naked ass kissing at the public’s expense

Mueller meets with Congress NEXT MONTH? There’s an open slot tomorrow since Piggly Wiggly refuses to show up as scheduled. PS Could we please make a point of replacing every old white fart in both Congress and the Senate? These stiffs stammer and mumble and huff away while the 7 minute clock is on. It’s fucking

That 56% seems like one of those things that people just lie about because it’s embarrassing and one of those instances where self-reporting skews the results. According to a survey from Bankrate, only 40% of Americans could take on a $1000 expense without going into debt. So this doesn’t track with 56% feeling good

I have always referred to Lindsey Graham as Miss Pittypat. That gif made me happy.

There’s also some interesting stuff, from the same poll, that he left out.

Besides, how can you have Obstruction when not only was there No Collusion (by Trump)

Still, the President’s record is unparalleled.”

I very much appreciate Senator Hirono’s efforts here, especially considering I don’t even know how someone can have a neck when they are clearly missing their spine.

Is this too good to be true?

Bar dismissing Mueller's letter to him as "snitty" and "probably written by some underling" was a nasty bit of business.

Please enjoy my tripod Vinnie sitting like a fat old man. I can't do life or politics without her.

Gas prices have hit $4 a gallon today in California, and it is said that price will sweep across the country. All those pick-me-up trucks with MAGA stickers are going to be more expensive to drive. Remember, “It’s the economy stupid!”

The precedent for members of the White House staff to decline invitations to testify before congressional committees has been consistently adhered to by administrations of both political parties, and is based on clearly established constitutional doctrines.

Natural selection is a hell of a drug...

Well, that’s why they’re angry - they can’t get laid and think they’re entitled to sex.

picked up by angry boys who can’t get laid think they’re entitled to sex.

Yeah.  Isn’t incel synonymous with beta male?
