Mike in Cleveland

then have them write me a stupid ass reply like you did.  

Someone on Jalopnik mentioned it, but I think it needs to be said again.

“In this proposal, we replace the Spirit of Ecstasy with a likeness of Baphomet”

1. Transportation is political.

The van driver should have pulled over on his own Accord. Now he’ll going to get a Civic lesson on hit and runs. Hopefully the punishment Fits the crime and he goes on an Odyssey to his local penitentiary.

“99% of those with Covid recover and the death rate hovers around 0.04%.”

Red with yellow stars.

This is EXACTLY the kind of pointless, waste of time that bloated orange asshole would put tons of effort into until he bored of it 3 minutes later.

chickity china the chinese chicken

Yeah, the only keyboard more expensive than that for a tablet is the Surfacebook Keyboard, and at least that has a GPU and a bunch of expansion sluts in it.

I would like to know how President Trump and the Republican Party are going to somehow make this a bad car.

They shouldn’t have to “Pan”handle to get their asking price...

Sigh...if you were only smart enough to understand what he just did to you. LOL

Here let me interpret it for you: “You’re a cunt.”

Hell yeah motherfucker! USA! USA!!! Can’t wait to celebrate some dead Iranian civilians! Fuck yes!!!! Flag covered coffins arriving at Dover AFB by the thousands for decades to come! THESE COLORS DON’T RUN MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!! A generation of US soldiers, and Iranians (soldier and civilian) with irreversible

That’s nada lada changes.

You took the first paragraph personally, doing ok over there?

Who took away your fucking Snickers?  

I’m sorry that you feel marginalized by pet owners.

I mean, everything you just listed convinced me that having a pet over a child was the right decision.
#Furbabies #FelineChild #Cheaper #LessStress #SelfCleaning