The Geek Empress

Stop it please. I already want one. You don’t need to convince me to get one lol

Imagine a student who has paid 180K in tuition to an institution that sided with her rapist for no better reason than the fact that he can throw a misshapen brown ball.

He - and his two brothers - were born in my bed. Goodbye, mattress. Farewell, sheets. The trio (and their mama) took over my life. Giving them away? Adoption? What do you mean by “adoption”?

Biologist here. With a special love for Southeast Asian species. We can fight this. It’s a myth that climate change is the “biggest threat” to wildlife. It’s the illegal wildlife trade and habitat loss (basically a two-way tie).

I’m babysitting a lovely tabby, and he’s mostly a sweetheart and does things like sleep curled up in my arms. Though this morning, he decided to sing the song of his people and claw things. Now he’s purring and nudging me.

I guess. Anecdotally, my family has people of Catholic Trinidadian and Creole descent. Their cultures don’t resemble each other’s at all.

There’s really no such thing. Since the US is a country of immigrants, you’ll find German culture, Irish and Italian culture, etc, etc... But culture, folklore, language, food simply based on white skin??? Nope!

Who’s going to liberate us? Everyone but Canada and Germany has gone right-wing populist to an extent. And Canada is too nice to liberate us, and Ze Germans probably don’t want us.

You’re joking but will those tweets be preserved and managed like every other official communication? Or will he be deleting his tweets when they embarrass him? No backsies when you’re president, motherfucker.

Princess Leia and Ripley were my brunette heroines in a vast sea of vapid 80's blondes. Anyone who can’t understand what they meant for girls of a certain generation can go jump in a lake.

Now if you excuse me, I’m going to go light candles for the continued health and safety of Sigourney Weaver and Betty White.

Points for Cosplay tracer not being raised in a barn - unlike real Tracer, who was on the couch with her bloody shoes on.

Exactly. My company turned down good work for Boy Scouts when they were discriminating. It was a hard thing to do. But all the people who stood up to them made a difference. It’s the “just do your job” mentality that maintains the status quo.

In terms of severity, this is a much different matter than simply smiling for a client you don’t like or going on a trip you didn’t want to go on. You’re right, I’ve done all of those things. Most of it while working in retail, a job which will expose you to some truly vile people.

I hope they do “Springtime for Hitler.”

Wait, James Dolan is behind this? That can’t be, dude is class made manifest in human form.

Yeah! Passive aggressive protest. Like performing badly. Mess up. Slip and fall, bump into each other. Make it all look like it’s not intentional. Who can blame them for having stage fright kicking in at this huuuuge event?

Ok here’s my two cents, because I’ve been thinking about it for awhile.

Me: No, you dont’t need to sniff that..... no, that either.... come out, we don’t need to stop at every bush..... no the cat doesn’t want to play with you..... see I told you that they didnt’ want to play..... those plants are watered enough, you don’t need to water them..... those either, come on we’ve only gone 40

This sounds like the video game equivalent of walking my beagle every morning.