The Geek Empress

I always tell my friends and family: More bricks. No shirts, or lifestyle items, or other cutesy shit. Don’t worry if I have the set already. If I really don’t want a second copy of that set, you’ve just given me a gift certificate to the Lego Store.

999 was a nice, self-contained story that could have stopped where it ended. I actually wasn’t expecting a sequel!

Playing VLR immediately after 999 almost wrecked the game for me. I eventually came to enjoy it, but the tonal shift was so jarring at first that I had to put the game down for a while. (I was happy that ZTD got back to the tone of the original, but I wasn’t crazy about the game overall.)

Because I’m a cheapskate and waiting for things to come to me for cheap or free. So Steam sales should get it under 20 eventually.

...unless it’s an artificial color.

I have the perfect idea for a standalone spyro game. (Your title is perfect, by he way). The idea is a simple one. How did spyro end up in skylands??!? The game begins as a classic spyro game we know and love. Somewhere along the way he is sucked into, stumbles upon, hears a cry for help, or any other cliche call

Exactly. Just have upper management give a speech. They’re already in the building.

Pretty much all flat-faced dogs (Boston Terriers, Pugs, French/English Bulldogs, etc) take in lots of extra air when they exercise/eat and that air has to go somewhere. Our dog is lucky that she’s so fucking sweet and adorable because when she farts it smells like a vagrant crawled inside of her to die.

No, quite the opposite, actually.

When I was young I thought the villains on Captain Planet were ridiculous. How can someone have a vendetta against nature and basically just look for ways to destroy it in anyway.

I mean, if you don’t like sex, of course life would be happier and more free without sex. Just like my life is happier and more free without bungee jumping.

And because a convent full of other women who were also sent there for that reason is a logical place to send a lesbian.

Choosing chastity because you dig that lifestyle is feminism. Choosing chastity because sex = sin and realizing that you like being chaste is Stockholm Syndrome.

Feel free to disagree with me. Here’s my take. Choosing chastity as a woman isn’t feminism. Choosing chastity as a woman and having the right to not be judged as less or more of a human being because of it is feminism.

These are some pretty thin connections for two fantasy films with plucky girl protagonists with influence from East Asian folklore. Hell, how many Ghibli films did I just accidentally describe? Yes, they both ride dragons, but—SPOILERS—the guy isn’t the dragon, and he’s riding with her. My god, both films have a

I bought a PS3 just for Ni No Kuni. Still haven’t beaten it due to adulting it up and everything (damn you responsibilities). I will get a PS4 for this game, as well.

I adored the first game, they can take as long as they want if they’re making something to the same standard.

just remember, anything different than you is terrible and wrong! that’s the only way to think! people aren’t allowed to like things you don’t like.

Given the fact that William Gibson’s second cyberpunk trilogy was in no small part about LITERALLY GOD DAMN THIS, I believe you just failed Cyberpunk 101, son.

I really hope they bring this game to the West. I love these kinds of games. You should see my Google Drive. It is chock full of Checklists and spreadsheets for games to make sure I don’t miss anything (I like trying to 100% JRPGs on my first play through). So, this game looks perfect for me.