Kingdom Hearts was designed in a lab to make completionists weep.
Kingdom Hearts was designed in a lab to make completionists weep.
But this is Kingdom Hearts, so there will be at least 50 other spin-offs before, including a racing game, strategy game, cooking game, all of which will be released on different consoles, and you need to play all of them to understand KH4
My old man worked in a factory for 40 years, had 3 herniated discs and now has a titanium scaffold holding his lower spine together. He could have moved full boxes easier than Pence moved the empty ones.
i will add that its cool you name the dogs after your past dogs. dogs become a huge part of our lives, and i do the same in games(that aren’t going for the cheap emotional crutch of killing the dog...glares at fable 2) so yeah, so many of my in game pets are named after past dogs to remember how important they were in…
Awesome gesture, but it’s not nearly enough (I’m not complaining, mind, just pointing out the fact).
Can be found anywhere?
Saw it, can confirm. Especially that part where Aerith looks directly into the camera and tells you how to revive her in the original game - I kinda wish I had seen that in the context of the actual story.
The starter forms are all cute, but Scorbunny is the only one where I fully love the evolutions.
Game designers really need to start thinking about disabled people in their game design.
I considered it, but seeing as how the PSP models (not counting the Go, of course) were all extremely similar, it didn’t strike me as something that would be worth splitting out into three entries to say “This one was slightly lighter.” The difference between the GBA SP models is a game-changer though.
Cheezit is pure CHONK
Not given by me but by a now-ex friend (“ex” for a myriad of reasons similar to this):
Her stepson was getting married on Christmas eve...she gave him a $1000 gift certificate to a divorce lawyer, “because we can all see that coming.”
For clarification, Salazzle (and Salandit) is actually based off a salamander (hence the “Sala” part). In Japan, there is a folklore legend that salamanders bathe in fire and control it. It’s the same legend that inspired Charmander and Charmeleon. Also, they’re apparently based on a Hawaiian lizard-like creature that…
“Here’s a fact: Don’t Google this Pokemon or search for it on Deviant Art unless you want to see a lot of naked dragons fucking other dragons.”
Your elephant ear is fine. Just bring it inside and wait until the leaves completely dry out. Then trim them off and dig up the bulb. Wrap it in newspaper and store it somewhere cool(ish) and dry for the winter. Don’t leave the bulb in the pot, or it will rot.
I could see Ash being a Gotham City villain. Singular focus. Lifetime of failure. Not the weirdest gimmick Batman has faced. I’m ready for this cross over.
I played through the tutorial and got the first free pull and it gave me a PlatinumSukamon as my first rare digimon. That’s enough to kill my enthusiasm.
As a resident of SE Asia, centipedes scare me more than snakes and spiders combined.