The Geek Empress

As a fellow anime fan, I agree.

My experience, as a biracial woman who knows a lot of white people, has been the exact opposite. I’v never known a white person to stay away from a movie, tv show, etc because a character was a person of color - I’ve known quite a few who stayed away because a character of color was played by a white person or because


ramen is actually considered unladylike in Japan

Keeping VHS tapes is good if you are a film enthusiast. For years VHS and the rare laserdisc were the only way to see the original Star Wars, without the SE edits. Also I find the idea of a GameBoy, a first gen GameBoy, dying to be silly. I’m pretty sure you could drop that mother fucker from an airplace and when you

Well, Darling’s home has been raided. Darling is arrested and is Internet, pagan, and historian hated.

I think that’s okay, and fine and good, but when people don’t give consent (probably because they’re long dead and didn’t have your pretty cool foresight with a plaque carefully labeling your consent for just this thing, diet and fun facts about you, maybe you like cats!), and you have groups arguing over who the

But does it say September 30 of what year? That is the real question. I still think I’ll believe it when I see it.

As a scientist this is false, we’re all paid by the taxpayers - and not really all that much at all.

>DRM hurts consumers

They won´t. Hell, I´ll wager they won´t survive the 4 year mark.

I’ve always though the asset rule created a shitty catch-22. A car is a complete necessity in some areas and building a savings contributes to lifting someone out of poverty. Yet, the moment a struggling family/person finally reached that milestone while on assistance, they get dropped...and then very likely have to

As another female lawyer dating a guy who’s accomplished different, “lesser” things than I have - and has a wonderful respectful relationship anyway - I’d like to emphatically echo Dr. Nerdlove here and tell you to drop that scrub like he’s an objection you know you didn’t have any basis to make. (ha! lawyer jokes!)

This is how government is most effective; addressing the nuts and bolts of specific logistical barriers faced by working families in their efforts to thrive. Grandiose talk of equality and justice don’t count for squat if they aren’t backed up by pragmatic solutions to real life problems.

I was just about to say, before anyone comes in here all self righteous about cloth diapers, cloth diapers plus Laundromat+bus+more than one kid=fucking expensive nightmare and entirely impractical.

People love to freak out about how “over litigious” America is, but it’s really the only thing that makes a difference in the end. If you had emailed the administration multiple times about these incidents and expressed concern that they weren’t being adequately investigated and then a student sued the school after

I remember back when I got my holographic Charizard from a booster pack on Christmas morning. It was like Super Christmas.

And we didn’t even have the holy hand grenade of Antiochus...