A manager after seeing all the mess on an artist desk say this to him: “a cluttered desk shows a cluttered mind”
A manager after seeing all the mess on an artist desk say this to him: “a cluttered desk shows a cluttered mind”
Speaking as an artist—I understand why artists have such unkempt workspaces. And that is because we are much more worried about getting actual work done. Unless the messiness gets to a point where it hinders work, we really cannot care less whether or not the workspace looks like the post-apocalyptic ruins of an…
My ritual was going to someplace like Toy R Us, back when the video game section was like a showroom and if you wanted to buy something you’d take the little slip for the game you wanted and pay at the register. Then the cashier would go i to the mysterious back room and bring your game box out.
Hear, hear!
I would be SO pissed if I thought I was giving someone the miracle of life for a sweet pay out and they did the baby business equivalent of changing their mind mid shopping trip so they leave a package of chicken in the soft drink aisle.
What are you talking about? I thought NY has always had plenty of Asian tourists, rodents, and issues with the power grid. This is just streamlining things.
None that Mike knows of, and Pikachu isn't talking.
Perpetually single- emphasis on the Pet! I have the FWB I see on occasion and that is that. Otherwise, I do what I want to do, the dogs and I pretty much play professional level petris to get settled in bed and I am fine with that and nope, I don’t miss sharing my space with anyone.
Agree 100%. When we adopted our rescue dog, I told my gf that the dog was forever. She then said “Well, unless he threatens our (as yet unborn) kids.”
Exactly. If (beyond those very few extenuating circumstances you mention) you cannot make the commitment to live in places that allow your pet, buy the medications your pet needs to be healthy, and keep your pet for the rest of its life... don’t fucking get one. It breaks my heart to see ads on Craigslist every day…
how can you say an animal, any animal, is more interesting than ‘refrigerator had sex with an alien’?
I can’t believe that there are still people out there who want video game exclusivity. It doesn’t help anyone, and only serves to feed the ego of people religiously defending their platform of preference.
They can easily reconcile his past iterations romantic interest in women and his new presentation in asexuality both at the same time, you know. Just because an asexual doesn’t feel sexual attraction it doesn’t mean that they aren’t interested in romantic relationships. There are people who are both hetero-romantic…
I can totally believe that. Our rabbit, Squishie, AKA The Goddess, is a mini rex and only weighs about 4 pounds. She is, however, the boss of the fur kids. The cat and all 3 dogs (a 24 pound cockapoo, a 40 pound basset hound mix and a 67 pound beagle mix) defer to her. If she wants the dog bed to herself, she gets it.…
It’s nice that asexuals get representation :)
OK, Lady Gaga. Dressing up like a Pokémon once I can dismiss as coincidence. Twice, and I’m going to start suspecting a pattern.
Might just kill your wallet, though.
Fact of the matter is, men don’t treat women as equals. They still treat women as play things and someone to take care of all the shitty chores. Women are slowly moving away from a life where they have to be shackled to some dude and baby, work for eight hours, take care of dude/baby, and always put everyone else…