The Geek Empress

I miss my Ghostbusters toys from my childhood.

Clearly Kevin put Loki on phone duty.

best part is when he just can’t get rid of the bomb.
Special mention to terrible, but terrific shark punching too.

Batman 66 is just great!

The Animated Series is just SO good.

Oh absolutely. Like there are things out of parents control and it’s hard-I would never be upset because a baby is crying or a kid having a tantrum with a parent doing their best, but once I had a little girl who was turning around and throwing crumpled pieces of paper at my face and her parents weren’t saying

Look, I know you think that the HVAC system is an IT issue because it uses electricity, but this is a Facilities issue. Please stop submitting tickets for this.

“I don’t understand the appeal of this therefore it is bad”

It’s relatively cheap to import from Japan, assuming the price of the item is not very high to being with. I’ve bought a bunch of douj-BOOKS. Honest, clean books.

I hope so. They’re doing this as a financial move, I think it could be successful if they market it right and offer enough options. It’s true that the other body types will start out limited in options, but if they can offer enough early on it’s not gonna be a big deal.

I mean, unless they’ve changed something since they last time I’ve seen a naked Ken doll, I’m pretty sure that’s how they’ve always come. No change to the mold necessary!

I hope Game Designer Barbie comes with Gamergate Ken! With a trilby accessory and real doxing action! Maybe a Youtube comments notebook to write your very own rape and death threats!

I heard this handheld was dying, but it seems Sony has finally come up with a patch that literally kills them.

I’m a huge fan of Amanda Conner but that promo image just looks like the kind of awkward fanart you come across where you go, “Oh, huh, so that’s what [some childhood franchise] would look like in a slightly more realistic art style. It looks super out of place and would probably never work but it’s neat to see

Most of DC Comics after the New 52 seems to have been Missing the Point.

For me it all comes back to the “They came for ...., and I said nothing”. If I speak out for the rights of dark corner macdougals who want to buy their thinly veiled anime porn in peace, then I should have no problem enjoying all the violent and other explicit media that I enjoy .

You have a point but they are already murdering their immediate environment. They have already disrupted things by bulldozing new roads (and more is to come- I just read they’re planning a 15 Mile expansion). They have no qualms about poaching and let’s not forget- the reason they are there is because they think a

Meanwhile, everybody’s distracted seeing “Like No One Ever Was” (including myself) and miss the two players walking under it whose jersey’s are “19" and “96".

I mentally catalogued him as the IRL version of Ash, so this makes sense.